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Nicholas Angel: How can this be for the greater good?
NWA Members: [chanting] The greater good.
Nicholas Angel: SHUT IT! These people died for no reason! No reason whatsoever!
Inspector Frank Butterman: I wouldn't say that. [Nicholas turns and is shocked] Hello Nicholas. I was like you once. I believed in the immutable word of the law. That is until the night Mrs. Butterman was taken from me. You see, no one loved Sandford more than her. She was head of the Women's Institute, chair of the Floral Committee. When they started the Village of the Year Contest, she worked around the clock. I'd never seen such dedication. But on the eve of the adjudicator's arrival, some travelers moved into Calahoo Park, and before you could say gypsy s**** we were knee deep in dog muck, thieving kids and crusty jugglers.
NWA Members: [chanting] Crusty jugglers.
Inspector Frank Butterman: We lost the title, and Irene lost her mind. She drove her Datsun Cherry into Sandford Gorge... and from that moment on, I swore that I would do her proud and whatever the cost, we would make Sandford great again.
Nicholas Angel: Sir, this doesn't make any sense.
Inspector Frank Butterman: The adjudicators arrive tomorrow. We had to get everything ready.
Nicholas Angel: [disgusted] Are you saying this is all about winning the Best Village award?
Inspector Frank Butterman: This is the Best Village, Nicholas. You've seen the people. They're happy. Contented.
Nicholas Angel: They're living in a dream world!
Inspector Frank Butterman: Sergeant Popwell thought much the same as you. I'm disappointed you can't see the bigger picture.
Nicholas Angel: Well I'm happy to disappoint you, sir! You're going to have to come with me, you are all going to have to come with me.
Inspector Frank Butterman: No Nicholas, I'm afraid it is you who is going to have to come with us...

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