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[Frageti, Jones, and Collins are marching through the woods at the head of Recon Platoon. They forget to watch the ground as they go, and all three walk into the same rope strung low across the ground; in the Vietnam War the Vietcong were known to use this as a trigger for a booby-trap consisting of one or more grenades, whose pins are pulled out when someone walks into the rope.]
Frageti: What the hell was that?
Highway: You're dead, Marine! You just stepped on four booby traps and blew your legs off! We'll have to send out a search party for your testicles! Now where the hell's your backup?
Frageti: Profile.
[Behind them, Profile raises a hand nervously as Highway turns and stares at him.]
Highway: What the **** good are you doing back there? Without any cover fire I get my ass blown off! [Turns back to the three Marines who tripped over the rope] While you guys are sitting there pumpin' the neighbor's dog we get every swingin' dick in this platoon killed!
Stitch Jones: Hey, chill out, man; that's what we're here for.
Highway: Say what?
Stitch Jones: We're here for that! We've ambushed Major Powers three times and always right here; we know what we're doing.
Highway: Well, Shit-For-Brains, who says we're gonna ambush Major Powers right here?
Stitch Jones: Hey, you didn't hear Lieutenant Ring? Major Powers wants us to die in a loud, grotesque, military manner.
Highway: I don't give a **** about Major Powers. My job is to keep you men alive. Let's move on.
[Soon after, Major Powers and his platoon are on the march in the open.]
Major Powers: We should be coming to the ambush site over the next hill.
Sergeant Major Choozoo: Sure does help knowin' where and when you're gonna be hit, sir.
[Unknown to these Marines, Recon Platoon is watching with weapons trained on them.]
Highway: Easy. Give 'em a few more yards, then we'll nail the coffin shut. [they let First Platoon walk farther into the ambush] Okay now.

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