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Elliot: [shots are heard firing in the distance] Oh no...
Alma: What "oh no"?
Elliot: The toxin? The toxin's affecting them?
Woman in Group: Are those people killing themselves?
Realtor: You were with the Private, what do we do?
Alma: We need to do something!
Elliot: Just let me think...
Alma: [as shots continually fire in the background] They're dying!
Elliot: I need a second...
Realtor: They released it? We're not near the roads!
Alma: We can't just stand here as uninvolved observers!
Elliot: I need a second, okay? Just give me a second!
Alma: We're not gonna be one of those assholes on the news who watches a crime happen and not do something! We're not assholes!
Elliot: Just a second!
Woman in Group: There were children in that group!
Alma Moore: Elliot, please, tell us what to do!
Elliot: I need a second, okay?! Why can't anybody give me a goddamn second?! [talks to himself] All right, be scientific, douchebag. Identify the variables.. isolate groups.. design the experiment.. that's what we're.. careful observation, measurements, that's what I'm trying to do, interpret the experimental data, interpret... What if it is the plants? That group was larger than ours. This thing's been escalating all day. Smaller and smaller populations have been setting this off. They react to human stimulus. Maybe people are setting off the plants?
Alma: What are you saying? That guy was crazy! We have to save them!
Elliot: They're already dead! What if they're targeting us as threats? This part of the field may not have been set off. Something in this field could be releasing the chemical into the air when there's too many of us together. Let's just stay ahead of the wind!

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