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Don Shirley: Before we pull out, Tony, we need to have a talk.
Tony Lip: Yeah?
Don Shirley: Oleg told me what you did.
Tony Lip: What'd I do?
Don Shirley: You stole a jade stone from the store.
Tony Lip: No I didn't.
Don Shirley: He watched you do it.
Tony Lip: I didn't steal no stone.
Don Shirley: You picked it up and put it in your pocket.
Tony Lip: I picked up a rock off of the ground. I didn't steal it from a box.
Don Shirley: Now why would you pick up a rock off the ground?
Tony Lip: I don't know. Cause it ain't stealing. It's just a regular rock.
Don Shirley: And why would you want a regular rock?
Tony Lip: To have. For luck, maybe.
Don Shirley: A lucky rock.
Tony Lip: Yeah.
Don Shirley: Let me see it. [Don holds out his hand; reluctantly Tony hands him the rock] Mm-hmm. Take it back and pay for it.
Tony Lip: [swears in Italian] I told you that Kraut was a snake. Rats me out for something I didn't even do!
Don Shirley: Pay for the stone, Tony; you'll feel better.
Tony Lip: I feel fine! And I ain't paying for no regular rock I found in the dirt. [starts to drive]
Don Shirley: Do not drive, Mr. Vallelonga. [Tony stops] Put it back.
[after a brief pause, Tony reluctantly goes to the box, puts the stone back, and goes back to the car]
Don Shirley: Feel better?
Tony Lip: No.
Don Shirley: If you like, Tony, I'd happily buy you the stone.
Tony Lip: Don't bother. You took all the fun out of it.

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