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[Ratigan reads an extremely long list of laws he intends to pass as the Queen's Royal Consort]
Ratigan: Item 96: [chuckles] A heavy tax shall be levied against all parasites and spongers, such as the elderly, the infirm, and especially little children.
Crippled Old Mouse: That's ridiculous! You're insane!
Ratigan: Perhaps I haven't made myself clear.
[Ratigan grabs the crippled old mouse's crutch, jumps up on stage and snaps it in 2.]
Ratigan: I have the power!
Robot Queen: Of course you do.
Ratigan: I am supreme!
Robot Queen: Only you.
Ratigan: THIS IS MY KINGDOM! [laughs maniacally, then calms down] That is, of course, with your Highness's permission.
[The Robot Queen doesn't respond. Ratigan slaps it gently to get it going again]
Robot Queen: Most assuredly.... you insidious fiend!
Ratigan: [horrified] What?
Robot Queen: You're not my royal consort!
Ratigan: [to the crowd] What a sense of humor.
Robot Queen: You're a cheap fraud and impostor!
Ratigan: [aside] Flaversham!
[Cut to backstage, where we see Basil at the controls of the robot, Olivia and her father reunited and Fidget and the rest of Ratigan's minions tied up by Dawson and the real Queen]
Basil: [controlling the Robot Queen] A corrupt, vicious, demented, lowlife scoundrel! There's no evil scheme you wouldn't concoct.
[The Robot Queen's head springs up and bites Ratigan on the nose. Ratigan tries in vain to keep the robot down]
Robot Queen: No depravity you wouldn't commit.
[The Robot Queen rapidly starts flailing and falling apart until little remains but a pile of scrap metal and a pair of eyes and a set of teeth on a spring.]
Basil: [Controlling the Robot Queen] You, Professor....
Robot Queen: [as Ratigan starts to grow infuriated, seeing through the insults] ....are none other than a foul stenchus rodentus, commonly known as a--!
Ratigan: DON'T SAY IT!!!
Basil: [reveals himself] SEWER RAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ratigan: [screaming in anger upon hearing Basil]
Basil: Arrest that fiend!
[Ratigan sees in horror that Basil is behind him]

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