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[As Emma explains her actions to Mark and the rest of Monarch]
Dr. Emma Russell: And, uh...I can- I can only imagine what you are all thinking. But if there were any other way to do this, I would.
Mark Russell: Do what, Emma?
Dr. Emma Russell: I'm saving the world.
Mark Russell: By releasing those things? That doesn't make sense-
Dr. Emma Russell: As impossible as it seems, it does. Hear me out, Mark. After we lost Andrew, I swore his death would not be in vain. That I would find an answer. A solution to why the Titans were rising. But as I dug deeper, I realized that they were here for a reason, and that despite all the years trying to stop them, we never dared to confront the truth.
Mark Russell: Which truth?
Dr. Emma Russell: Humans have been the dominant species for thousands of years and look what's happened. Overpopulation. Pollution. War. The mass extinction we feared has already begun. And we are the cause. We are the infection. But like all organisms, the earth unleashed a fever to fight this infection. Its original and rightful rulers, the Titans. They are part of the earth's natural defense system, a way to protect the planet, to maintain its balance. But if governments are allowed to contain them, destroy them, or use them for war, the human infection will only continue to spread, and within our lifetime, our planet will perish...and so will we. Unless we restore balance.
Dr. Rick Stanton: And what's gonna to be left if you do this? A dead, charred world overrun by monsters?
Dr. Emma Russell: No, Dr. Stanton. The exact opposite. Just as how forest fire replenishes the soil or how a volcano creates new land, we have seen signs these creatures will do the same. San Francisco, Los Vegas, wherever the Titans go, life follows, triggered by their radiation. They are the only thing that can reverse the destruction that we started. They are the only guarantee that life will carry on. But for that to happen, we must set them free.
Dr. Ilene Chen: You're murdering the world.
Dr. Emma Russell: No. Because as difficult as this will be, I promise you mankind will not go extinct. Using the ORCA, we will return to a natural order. A forgotten order where we coexisted in balance with the Titans. The first gods.
Dr. Ishiro Serizawa: This is a dangerous path! You are meddling with forces beyond our comprehension, gambling with the lives of billions!
Dr. Emma Russell: And what are you gambling with, Serizawa? Monarch is broken. It's on the verge of being shut down by a government whose only objective is to eradicate the creatures, and if that happens, what will our chances be?
Mark Russell: You're out of your goddamned mind!!! First, you put our daughter's life in danger, now you decide the fate of the world. That's rich-!
Dr. Emma Russell: I couldn't be more sane, and Madison couldn't be stronger. After we lost Andrew, I trained her to survive, and at least now, she'll has a fighting chance!
Mark Russell: A fighting chanc-? Why don't you listen to yourself? It's not all math. Emma. Some things you can't control.
Dr. Emma Russell: And there are some things you can't run from!
Mark Russell: This won't bring him back to us.

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