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Dixie: (after getting whacked by a loose floorboard) Darn this one-horse, two-bit, free-timing fair!
Cash: Now, Dixie, it ain't like it smacked your singing. Can we get back to rehearsing, please?
Dixie: I refuse to work under these conditions.
Granny Rose: Uh-oh. Here we go.
Cash: Well, I'll tell you what, Dixie. You rehearse, and afterwards I'll give that piece of wood a good ol' talking-to.
Floyd: I got two bones on Dixie.
Waylon: I'll cover that.
Dixie: It just so happens I am a professional, and my standards...
Cash: Oh, now Dixie, darling, you put on that same old record every day. Ain't it just about wore out by now?
Dixie: You have some nerve talking to me that way, Cash. If your ear were any more tin, they could can beans with it.
Cash: Well, you listen to me, Miss Fancy Tail. In a couple of days, we will be in front of that talent scout from the Grand Old Opry.
Dixie: I get possibly maimed for life, and all you can talk about is the Grand Old Opry?
Cash: Oh, now, Dixie...
Dixie: I'll be in my trailer.
Cash: Darling, we got a show to do. You can't just walk...
(Dixie left)
Cash: ...away.
Dixie: Just what do you think you're doing?
Cash: A little audience participation. And that kid wowed em!
Dixie: Kid? What kid?
Copper: Bye, Mr. Cash.
Cash: (laughs) That kid.
Granny Rose: Little critter was heaven-sent.
Dixie: That sang my lead?
Cash: Oh, no. He didn't just sing it. He sang it.
Dixie: You don't mean to tell me that that wet-behind-the-ears puppy could ever take my place in a band.
Cash: I didn't say that. Although he does have that refreshing, blooming youth about him.
Dixie: (taking this as a comment about her appearance) (gasps) Just what exactly are you saying?
Cash: Well what do you think I'm saying?
Dixie: You'd better not be saying what I think you're saying.
Cash: I think you know what I think I'm saying.
Dixie: I think you'd better know that what you're saying isn't what I think you're saying.
Cash: Why do you always...
Dixie: Only 'cause you never...
Cash: What if I said to you...
Dixie: You know what I say?
Cash: Ooh! You know, this is just like the time when you...
Dixie: (stammering) You'd better not bring that up.
Cash: Hmph! Well, I think we've both been perfectly clear.
Dixie: Ooh, perfectly. I quit!
Cash: Huh?

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