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Jonathan Harker quotes

View Quote The diary of Jonathan Harker: "May 3, 1885. At last my long journey is growing to its close. What the eventual end will be, I cannot foresee. But whatever may happen, I can rest secure that I will have done all in my power to achieve success. The last lap of my journey, from the village of Klausenberg, proved to the more difficult than I had anticipated due to the reluctance on the part of the coach driver to take me all the way. However, as there was no other transport available, I was forced to travel the last few kilometers on foot before arriving at Castle Dracula. The castle appeared innocuous enough in the warm afternoon sun, and it all seemed normal but for one thing--there were no birds singing. As I crossed the wooden bridge and entered the gateway, it suddenly seemed to become much colder due, no doubt, to the icy waters of the mountain torrent I had just crossed. However, I deemed myself lucky to have secured this post, and did not intend to falter in my purpose."
View Quote "At last I have met Count Dracula. He accepts me as a man who has agreed to work among his I intended. It only remains for me now to await the daylight hours when, with God's help, I will forever end this man's reign of terror."
View Quote "I have become a victim of Dracula and the woman in his power. It may be that I am doomed to be one of them. If that is so, I can only pray that whoever finds my body will possess the knowledge to do what is necessary to release my soul. I have lost a day. Soon it will be dark. While my senses are still my own, I must do what I set out to do. I must find the resting place of Dracula and, there, end his existence forever."
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