Crank quotes
4 total quotes
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Chev: A necklace? You guys really are ****s, huh?
Ricky Verona: Thats the medallion my grandfather gave by dad and- You know what you take that and you shove it up your ass.
Ricky Verona: Thats the medallion my grandfather gave by dad and- You know what you take that and you shove it up your ass.
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Orlando's thugs: Orlando? You alright man?
Orlando: There a white **** up here with a gun! Just.. Be still motha****as
Orlando: There a white **** up here with a gun! Just.. Be still motha****as
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[Chev Chelios finds a recorded DVD, with "**** YOU" written on the front. Chelios puts the disc into the DVD player and once it plays, Ricky Verona appears on the screen.]:Ricky Verona: Are we spinning yet? Good. Chelios! How are you doing, baby? You never call me no more. Where's the love, huh? Now, how are you feeling? I can guess it! If you're feeling like shit right about now, you can't move. You can't move too quickly, you can't breathe what's the matter with you dude?! Oh wait, wait, wait!! What is this?! [Ricky Verona shows a syringe filled with an unknown poison, Chev Chelios looks at the screen] Holy ****! Can you guess what this is? Look at your bed Chelios. [Camera turns to bed where Chelios is sleeping] Check this out! [Verona leans over Chelios, as he begins to inject him with the poison]