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Coraline quotes

36 total quotes

Other Mother

View Quote (Coraline pick up the flashlight to search a finding ghost eye as they can be see up there dog turn bat sensitive as they turn on the light Coraline climb the stage and look to second ghost eye inside the candy as they can see it throw in there as Coraline put the flashlight in purse and she grab her out the taffy hand as Coraline open the hand can be see the second ghost eye pearl) Coraline: The pearl.
(Coraline to take it but she grab her as Coraline screaming taffy monster comes to life as the candy) Other Forcible Monster: Thief! Give it back! Give it back! Thief!
Other Spink Monster: Give it back!
Other Forcible Monster: Thief! Give it back! Thief! Thief! Give it back! Thief!
(Coraline get a flashlight to wake bat sensitive dog up) Other Forcible: Give it back! Thief!
Other Spink: Give it back! Thief!
(Coraline throw the flashlight and wake bat sensitive dog and flying wing to attack her) Other Taffy Monsters: Thief! Stop! Stop! Thief!
(Coraline dodge and bat sensitive dog flying through and destroy taffy monster) Other Taffy Forcible: (Last Word) Thief! Stop!
(Coraline got a second ghost eye and free the hand as taffy monster was fall the stage and frozen ice again) Tall Ghost Girl: Hurry on, girl. Her web is unwinding.
View Quote Cat: You probably think this world is a dream come true... but you're wrong.
View Quote Dragonflies: What's wrong, Coraline! Don't you wanna play!
View Quote First Ghost Boy: Bless you, miss. You found me! But there's two eyes still lost.
View Quote Friends and the Photo: Hey! Where's your buttons, Loper! You wanna stay, don't ya!
View Quote Giraffe Toy: Get a grip, soldier!
View Quote Octopus Toy: Yeah! I wanna hug your face!
View Quote Sweet Ghost Girl: Be clever, Miss. Even if you win, she'll never let you go.
View Quote Tall Ghost Girl: Hurry on, girl. Her web is unwinding.
View Quote April Spink: [handing Coraline a seeing stone] There you go, sweetie.
Coraline: What's it for?
April Spink: Well, it might help. They're good for bad things sometimes.
Miriam Forcible: No. They're good for lost things.
April Spink: It's bad things, Miriam.
Miriam Forcible: Lost things, April.
April Spink: Bad.
Miriam Forcible: Lost.
April Spink: Bad things.
Miriam Forcible: Lost.
April Spink: Bad.
Miriam Forcible: Lost.
April Spink: Bad.
Miriam Forcible: Lost.
April Spink: Bad.
Miriam Forcible: Lost!
View Quote April Spink: Miriam, really, you're holding it wrong. See? Danger.
Coraline: What do you see?
April Spink: I see a very peculiar hand.
Miriam Forcible: I see a giraffe.
April Spink: Giraffes don't just fall from the sky, Miriam.
View Quote Coraline: [slides her dinner plate away from her] Why don't you ever cook, Mom?
Mel: Coraline, we've been through this before. You dad cooks, I clean, and you stay out of the way. I swear I'll go food shopping soon as we finish the catalog. [slides Coraline's dinner plate back to her] Try some of the chard. You need a vegetable.
Coraline: It looks more like slime to me.
Charlie: Well, it's slime or bedtime fusspot. Now what's it's gonna be?
Coraline: [to her doll-self] Think they're trying to poison me?
View Quote Coraline: I almost fell down a well yesterday, Mom.
Mel: [unconcerned] Uh-huh.
Coraline: I could've died.
Mel: That's nice.
Coraline: Hmm. So, can I go out? I think it's perfect weather for gardening.
Mel: No, Coraline. Rain makes mud. Mud makes a mess.
Coraline: But, Mom, I want stuff growing when my friends come to visit. Isn't that why we moved here?
Mel: Something like that. But then we had the accident.
Coraline: It wasn't my fault you hit that truck.
Mel: I never said it was.
Coraline: I can't believe it. You and Dad get paid to write about plants, and you hate dirt.
Mel: Coraline, I don't have time for you right now, and you still have unpacking to do. Lots of unpacking.
Coraline: [sarcastically] That sounds exciting.