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[during a timeout at gym class]
Abby: Look, you thought the sky was falling. Your dad didn't support you, and you have been hurting inside ever since.
Chicken Little: Yeah, but...
Abby: It's hurt. It's the nutshell.
Chicken Little: Well, it's hurt, but...
Abby: No, bup bup! Bup! Now what needs to happen now is the nut needs to be cracked open, and not one little chip at a time, but bam! Bits of emotion flying everywhere! Anger! Frustration! Denial! Fear! Deep depression, in fact! You see what I'm saying?
Runt of the Litter: Uh...
Abby: Alright, forget the nut thing. Here's the main thing. You have got to stop messing around and deal with the problem. Here's the real solution: You, your dad, talk-talk-talking, closure.
Chicken Little: Closure?
Abby: Closure. Talking about something until it's resolved. Wait. Look. [pulls out some magazines from her backpack] There's a whole section about in this month's Modern Mallard. Incredibly appropriate! Whew!
Chicken Little: I told you, I have a plan.
Abby: Yeah, but according to Cosmo Duck, you should stop the squawk and try the talk. And Beautiful Ducking says avoiding closure with your parents can cause early molting. See? Closure.
[as Abby and Chicken Little are talking, Fish Out of Water is building a tower out of Abby's magazines]
Abby: Just repeat after me. You, your dad, talk-talk...
Chicken Little: Abby, Abby, Abby! Listen, talking's a waste of time. I got to do something great so my dad doesn't think I'm such a loser.
Abby: Come on, you're not a loser. You're inventive and resourceful and funny and cute...
Chicken Little: What?
Abby: Oh, you... [chuckles nervously] Um... [smiling broadly] Runt, should Chicken Little have a good talk with his dad and clean the air... [winks then frowns] ...Or keep searching for Band-Aid solutions and never deal with the problem?
Runt: Pfft! Band-Aid solutions!
Abby: Runt!
Runt: Well, I'm sorry! I'm very bad at reading facial cues.

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