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[The thunderstorm is heard]
Margaret White: Carrie, you haven't touched your apple cake.
Carrie White: It gives me pimples, Momma.
Margaret White: Pimples are the Lord's way of chastising you.
Carrie White: [after long pause] Momma?
Margaret White: Yeah.
Carrie White: Momma, please say that I've to try and get along with people better.
Margaret White: [giggles] What are you going on about, Carrie?
Carrie White: I've been invited to the prom.
Margaret White: [long pause, then looking sternly at Carrie] Prom?
Carrie White: Yeah, the prom... everyone's goin'.
Margaret White: It was that teacher that called, wasn't it?
Carrie White: Please see that I'm not like you, Momma, I'm funny... I mean, all the kids think I'm funny I don't wanna be. I wanna be normal. I wanna start to try me, a whole person before it's too late for me!
[Margaret throws tea on her face and Carrie wipes it off.]
Carrie White: His (Carrie's boyfriend's) name is Tommy Ross, and he's a very nice boy, Momma...
Margaret White: No.
Carrie White: and he promised to come in and meet you--
Margaret White: I said no.
Carrie White: and he'd have me home by midnight and--
Margaret White: No. [Carrie bangs the table] No, no, no!
Carrie White: I ACCEPT IT, MOMMA! I ACCEPT, MOMMA, I accepted!
Margaret White: Go to your closet!
Carrie White: No.
Margaret White: [pause] After all, you've been taught, Carrie!
Carrie White: Everyone ain't bad, Momma. Everything ain't no sin!
Margaret White: Go to your closet and pray, ask to be forgiven.
Carrie White: He's a nice boy, momma, We like you, mama, You'll like him.
Margaret White: Boys? [laughs and claps] The boys, the boys? Yes, the boys. [The thunderstorm is heard] After the blood, comes the boys like sniffing dogs, grinning and slobbering and trying to find out where that smell comes from!
Carrie White: Momma, momma, make it stop, momma.
Margaret White: Where that smell has that smell! Listen, I know where they take them, because I've seen it all right! Well, you're not going.
Carrie White: Already said I would.
Margaret White: Tell that boy you're not going, or we're gonna move from here!
Carrie White: No.
Margaret White: We're gonna move from here and you'll never see that boy again. The rain's coming in. I'm gonna close the window.
Carrie White: [crying] Please sit and talk with me. momma, I'll get him, PLEASE, SIT DOWN AND TALK TO ME! [Carrie's telekenetic powers make shades/windows/doors closed and the thunderstorm is heard again] I'm going, momma, things are gonna change around here.
Margaret White: Witch, Got Satan's Power.
Carrie White: [crying] There's nothing to do with Satan, Momma, it's me, me, if I concentrate hard enough, I can move things.

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