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[As a montage of TV scenes discussing Superman begins]
Vikram Gandhi: We, as a population on this planet, have been looking for a savior. Ninety percent of people believe in a higher power – and every religion believes in some sort messianic figure. And when this savior character actually comes to Earth, we want to make him abide by our rules? We have to understand that this is a paradigm shift. We have to start thinking beyond politics.
Andrew Sullivan: Are there any moral constraints on this person? We have international law. On this Earth, every act is a political act.
Charlie Rose: Is it really surprising that the most powerful man in the world should be a figure of controversy?
Senator June Finch: To have an individual engaging in these state-level interventions should give us all pause.
Glenn Woodburn: Human beings have a horrible track record of following people with great power down paths that led to huge human atrocities.
Vikram Gandhi: We have always created icons in our own image. What we've done is we project ourselves on to him. The fact is, maybe he's not some sort of Devil or Jesus character. Maybe he’s just a guy trying to do the right thing.
Neil deGrasse Tyson: We're talking about a being whose very existence challenges our own sense of priority in the universe. When you go back to Copernicus where he restored the Sun in the center of the known universe, displacing Earth, and you get to Darwinian evolution and you find out we're not special on this Earth; we're just one among other lifeforms. And now we learn that we're not even special in the entire Universe – because there is Superman. There he is, an alien among us. We're not alone.
Charlie Rose: Are you, as a United States Senator, personally comfortable saying to a grieving parent, "Superman could've saved your child, but on principle we did not want him to act."
Senator June Finch: I'm not saying he shouldn't act. I'm saying he shouldn't act unilaterally.
Charlie Rose: What are we talking about here then? Must there be a Superman?
Senator June Finch: There is.

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