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Duchess the Cat: Oh, do forgive me for scratching you, dear. I got a bit carried away. It's a cat thing.
Babe: Oh, well, but…
Duchess: Feeling good about tomorrow, are you?
Babe: Mm-hmm. It should be all right, I think.
Duchess: You know, I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm not sure if you realize how much the other animals are laughing at you for this sheep dog business.
Babe: Why would they do that?
Duchess: Well, they say you've forgotten that you're a pig. Isn't that silly? They say you don't even know what pigs are for.
Babe: What do you mean?
Duchess: You know, why pigs are here.
Babe: Why are any of us here?
Duchess: Well, the cows are here to be milked. The dogs are here to help the Boss's husband with the sheep. I am here to be beautiful and affectionate to the Boss.
Babe: Yes?
Duchess: [sighs softly] The fact is that pigs don't have a purpose. Just like…ducks don't have a purpose.
Babe: I—I don't, uh…
Duchess: Alright, for your sake, I'll be blunt. Why do the Bosses keep ducks? To eat them. So why do the Bosses keep a pig? The fact is animals without a purpose really do have a purpose. The Bosses have to eat. It's probably the most noble purpose of all when you come to think about it.
Babe: [horrified] They eat pigs?
Duchess: Pork, they call it. Or bacon. They only call them pigs when they're alive.
Babe: [frightened] But, uh, I'm a sheep pig?
Duchess: [giggles] The Boss's husband is just playing a little game with you. Believe me, sooner or later, every pig gets eaten. That's the way the world works. Oh, I haven't frustrated you, have I? [chuckles softly]

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