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Dimitri: Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot.
Anya: Well, I think we did too.
Dimitri: Okay.
Anya: But I appreciate your apology.
Dimitri: Apology? Who said anything about an apology? I was just saying that we--
Anya: Please, just don't talk anymore, okay? It's only gonna upset me.
Dimitri: Fine, I'll be quiet. I'll be quiet if you will.
Anya: Alright, I'll be quiet.
Dimitri: Fine.
Anya: Fine.
Dimitri: Fine.
Anya: Fine. [after a pause] You think you're gonna miss it?
Dimitri: Miss what, your talking?
Anya: No! Russia.
Dimitri: Nope.
Anya: But it was your home.
Dimitri: It was a place I once lived. End of story.
Anya: Well, then you must plan on making Paris your true home.
Dimitri: What is it with you and homes?!
Anya: Well, for one thing it's something that every normal person wants, and for another thing, it's a thing where you--
Dimitri: What?
Anya: Oh, just forget it!
Dimitri: Fine!
[Vladimir enters the compartment]
Anya: Thank goodness it's you! Just, please, remove him from my sight!
Vladimir: [to Dimitri] What have you done to her?
Dimitri: Me? It's her!
Anya: Ha! [leaves]
Vladimir: [to Pooka] Oh, no! An unspoken attraction?
Dimitri: [gasps] "ATTRACTION?!" For that skinny little brat?!! Have you lost your mind? [storms out]
Vladimir: I was only asking a simple question.
Dimitri: "Attraction?" Ridiculous.
[Meanwhile, crashing through brittle limbs, as they navigate their way toward the train and the suspecting travelers, Rasputin's minions catch up with the train, and as they rocket beneath the train and the engine, Rasputin's green minions leave a wake of flames on the tracks behind them. The minions, now tiny little green demons, crawl all over the train engine and enters its boiler, and when it starts to overheat, the engine glows red, speeds up, and rattles as if it is about to fall apart.]

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