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[While in prison awaiting Judge Coglin's ruling, one of the Amistad captives, Yamba, reads an illustrated Bible. Cinque looks over to him, conversing in Mende.]
Cinque: You don't have to pretend to be interested in that. Nobody's watching but me.
Yamba: I'm not pretending. I'm beginning to understand it. Their people have suffered more than ours... Their lives were full of suffering. [turns the page, showing an image of the newborn Jesus] Then he was born and everything changed.
Cinque: Who is he?
Yamba: I don't know, but everywhere he goes he is followed by the sun. [turns the page, showing Jesus healing the sick] Here he is healing people with his hands. [another page, Jesus protecting Mary Magdelene] Protecting them... [another page, Jesus with children] Being given children...
Cinque: [sees a picture of Jesus walking on water] What's this?
Yamba: He could also walk across the sea. [as he speaks, Judge Coglin kneels before a communion rail, praying] But then something happened... He was captured, accused of some sort of crime. [turns the page, showing Jesus before Pilate] Here he is with his hands tied.
Cinque: He must have done something.
Yamba: Why? What did we do? Whatever it was, it was serious enough to kill him for it. Do you want to see how they killed him? [Cinque nods, and Yamba turns the page, showing the Crucifixion]
Cinque: This is just a story, Yamba.
Yamba: But look. That's not the end of it. [shows the disciples taking Jesus' body down from the cross] His people took his body down from this... thing... this... [draws a cross in the air] They took him into a cave. They wrapped him in a cloth, like we do. They thought he was dead, but he appeared before his people again... and spoke to them. [shows the Resurrection] Then, finally, he rose into the sky. [turns to an image of Jesus ascending to Heaven, then to another to Heaven's light breaking through the clouds] This is where the soul goes when you die here. This is where we're going when they kill us. It doesn't look so bad.

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