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Aliens (1986)

Aliens (1986) quotes

30 total quotes

Ellen Ripley
Private Hudson
Sergeant Apone

View Quote [The dropship crashes and explodes]
Hudson: That's great. That's just ****ing great, man. Now what the **** are we supposed to do? We're in some real pretty shit now, man!
Hicks: [grabs Hudson and draws him closer] You finished?
Newt: I guess we're not going to be leaving right now, then?
Ripley: I'm sorry, Newt.
Newt: You don't have to be sorry. It wasn't your fault.
Hudson: That's it! Game over, man! Game over! What the **** are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?
Burke: Maybe we could build a fire and sing couple of songs, huh? Why don't we try that?!
Newt: We'd better get back because it'll be dark soon, and they mostly come at night. Mostly.
View Quote [the surviving Marines take refuge in the colony after the dropship's crash, gathering all equipment they got left]
Hicks: That's absolutely everything we can salvage from the APC wreckage. We've got four pulse rifles, with about fifty rounds each. That ain't so good. We got, uh, fifteen of these M-40 grenades. [Newt reaches for a grenade] Don't touch that. Dangerous, honey.
Ripley: Is that the only flamethrower?
Hicks: Yeah. It's only half-full, but it's functional. Got another one, it's damaged, so I don't know about that one. But the good news... We've got four of these robot sentries, with display and scanners intact. They really kick ass. They'll come in handy.
Ripley: How long after we're declared overdue we can expect a rescue?
[long moment of silence]
Hicks: [deadpan] Seventeen days.
Hudson: Seventeen days? Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! These things are going to come here like they did before and they're gonna... [starts rambling unintelligibly]
Ripley: Hudson! HUDSON! [Hudson stops talking] This little girl survived longer than that with no weapons and no training [to Newt] Right?
[Newt looks at them and salutes playfully]
Hudson: [scoffs] Why don't you put her in charge?!
Ripley: You better start dealing with it, OK!? Listen to me! Hudson, just deal with it, because we need you, and I'm sick of your bullshit. I want you to get into the terminal and get me some kind of floor plan of this building. Construction blueprints, I don't care, anything that shows us a layout of this place. You listening?
Hudson: [distraught] Yeah.
Ripley: I need to see air ducts, I need to see electrical access tunnels, sub-basements, every possible way into this complex [beat] We don't have much time.
Hudson: Yeah. Yeah, I'm on it.
Ripley: Hudson! Just relax.
[Hudson exhales loudly and leaves]
Bishop: I'm gonna be in the med-lab. Check on Gorman, continue my analysis.
Ripley: All right. You do that.
View Quote [when Bishop "bleeds" the white fluid, revealing he is an android]
Ripley: [to Burke, agitated] You never said anything about android being aboard, why not?
Burke: It never... never occurred to me. It's just a common practice, we always have a synthetic on board.
Bishop: I prefer the term "artificial person" myself. Is there a problem?
Burke: I'm sorry. I don't know why I didn't... [to Bishop] On Ripley's last trip the synth- the artificial person malfunctioned.
Ripley: "Malfunctioned"?!
Burke: We had some problems and, uh... few deaths were involved.
Bishop: I'm shocked. Was it an older model?
Burke: Yeah. Hyperdyne Systems 120-A/2.
Bishop: Well, that explains it. I mean, the A/2s always were a bit twitchy. That could never happen now with our behaviour inhibitors. It is impossible for me to harm, or by omission of action, allowed to be harmed, a human being. [hands the tray with corn bread to Ripley] Are you sure you don't want some?
Ripley: [angrily knocks the tray out of Bishop's hand] Just stay away from me, Bishop. You got that straight?
View Quote [when the Marines are waking up from cryo-sleep]
Drake: They ain't pay us enough for this, man.
Dietrich: Not enough to wake up every day to your face, Drake.
Drake: What? Is that a joke?
Dietrich: Oh, I wish it were.
Drake: Hey, Hicks. Man, you look just like i feel.
Apone: [walking along the line of cryo pods] All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the Corps! Day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet. Every paycheck a fortune. Every formation a parade. I love the Corps!
Hudson: Man, this floor is freezing!
Apone: What do you want me to do, fetch the slippers for ya?
Hudson: Gee, would you, sir? I'd like that.
Apone: [peels back his eyelid] Look into my eye!
View Quote [to the Alien Queen who is about to kill Newt] Get away from her, you BITCH!
View Quote All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? It's another glorious day in the Corps. A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm: Every meal's a banquet. Every paycheck's a fortune! Every formation's a parade! I love the Corps!
View Quote Close your eyes, baby!
View Quote I'm ready, man. Check it out! I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do not want to **** with me. Check it out! Hey, Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out. Independently targeting particle-beam phalanx. WHAP! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase plasma pulse rifles, RPGs. We got sonic, electronic ball-breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...
View Quote That's it, man. Game over, man. Game over! What the **** are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?
View Quote They're coming outta the walls! They're coming outta the goddamn walls! Let's book!
View Quote We're on the express elevator to hell, going down!
View Quote What do you mean "they cut the power"? How could they cut the power, man?! They're animals!
View Quote Yo! Stop your grinnin', and drop your linen! Found 'em!
View Quote You better just start dealing with it, Hudson! Listen to me! Hudson, just deal with it, because we need you and I'm sick of your bullshit.
View Quote You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them ****ing each other over for a goddamn percentage.