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You still can have a life. Children. And most important, you'll know it's dead. Let me help you. I'M NOT A DROID!! Ripley, think of all we can learn from it! It's the chance of a lifetime! You must let me have it! It's a magnificent specimen! [after killing the alien]
Ripley: Don't come any closer.
Aaron: Wait. They're here to help--
Ripley: Stay where you are!
Bishop II: [steps forward] Ripley.
Ripley: Bishop?
Bishop II: I'm here to help you.
Ripley: No more bullshit. I just felt it move.
Bishop II: Do you know who I am?
Ripley: You're a droid, same model as Bishop. Sent by the ****ing company.
Bishop II: No. I'm not the Bishop Android. I designed it. I'm very human. The company sent me here to show you a friendly face, to demonstrate how important you are to us... to me.
Ripley: You just wanna take it back.
Bishop II: We want to kill it and take you home.
Ripley: Bullshit.
Bishop II: You're wrong. We want to help.
Ripley: What does that mean?
Bishop II: We're going to take that out of you...
Ripley: ...and keep it.
Bishop II: We can't allow it to live. Everything we know would be in jeopardy.
Ripley: You don't wanna take it back?
Bishop II: Ripley, time is important. Let us deal with the malignancy. We've got a surgical base set up on the rescue ship. Come with me.
Medic: It's very quick. Painless. A couple of incisions... you'll be out for two hours.
Bishop II: And then it's over. You still can have a life. Children. And most important, you'll know it's dead. Let me help you.
Ripley: What guarantee do I have, once you've taken it out... that you'll destroy it?
Bishop II: You have to trust me. [approaches her] Please, trust me?
[a short pause]
Ripley: No. [slams gate, then begins to position the machine away from the group]
Bishop II: What's this going to achieve? [a soldier shoots Morse in the leg] STOP!
Morse: AHHH! Oh, Jesus!
Ripley: Morse, will you help me?
Morse: What do you want me to do?
Bishop II: It was a mistake! There was no need for any of it!
Aaron: [picks up a large wrench, then hits Bishop over the head with it] ****ing android!
[a soldier shoves Aaron back, and another shoots him to death]
Bishop II: I'M NOT A DROID!! Ripley, think of all we can learn from it! It's the chance of a lifetime! You must let me have it! It's a magnificent specimen! [to cameraman] No pictures!
[after a long pause, Ripley makes her decision, looking into the furnace]
Ripley: You're crazy.
Bishop II: What are you doing?
[Ripley holds her breath, then falls from the platform into the furnace]

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