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3:10 to Yuma

3:10 to Yuma quotes

35 total quotes

Ben Wade
Charlie Prince
Dan Evans
Glen Hollander

View Quote Ben Wade: Byron's like a song with one note. You ever read another book in your life, Byron, besides the Bible?
Byron McElroy: No need.
Ben Wade: Byron acts pious. Few years ago, when he was under contract to Central, I seen him and a bunch of other Pinks mow down 32 Apache women and children.
Byron McElroy: Renegades... gunning down railroad men and their families. Picking 'em off the road one by one. Scalping 'em.
Ben Wade: There was young ones running around crying and screaming. No more than three years old. And his boys shot 'em all then pushed 'em into a ditch. Some of them was still crying. But I guess Byron figured that Jesus wouldn't mind. Apparently Jesus don't like the Apache.
Byron McElroy: Keep on talking... all the way to Yuma, right up them steps, to the rope, straight to Hell.
Ben Wade: Day I die, Byron, I'm getting sprung from Hell.
View Quote Ben Wade: I suppose it's too much to ask for a little quiet.
Tucker: The way I figured it is I'd be asleep in my own bed right now if it weren't for you. So if I got to be up, well, then, you're damn well gonna be up with me, too, Ben Wade. [singing] They're gonna hang me in the mornin', Before the night is done... Hang me in the mornin'... I'll never see the sun...
View Quote Ben Wade: They're gonna kill you and your father, William. They're gonna laugh while they do it. I think you know that.
William Evans: Call 'em off.
Ben Wade: Why should I?
William Evans: Because you're not all bad.
Ben Wade: Yes, I am.
William Evans: You saved us from those Indians.
Ben Wade: I saved myself.
William Evans: You got us through the tunnels. You helped us get away.
Ben Wade: If I had a gun in them tunnels, I would have used it on you.
William Evans: I don't believe you.
Ben Wade: Kid, I wouldn't last five minutes leading an outfit like that if I wasn't as rotten as hell.
View Quote Ben Wade: You want my cut, Dan? It's all yours.
Dan Evans: Isn't that kind of reckless of you, Wade? Seeing as, uh... you're so sure that, uh, your crew's coming to get you?
Ben Wade: Oh, they're coming, Dan. Sure as God's vengeance, they're coming.
View Quote Byron McElroy: [notices horse anatomy diagrams] What the **** kind of doctor are you, anyway?
Doc Potter: It's nice to have a conversation with a patient for a change.
View Quote Byron McElroy: If you're gonna kill me, just as soon get to it.
Ben Wade: I ain't gonna kill you. Not like this.
Byron McElroy: Won't change a thing, lettin' me live. I'll come for you.
Ben Wade: I'd be disappointed if you didn't.
View Quote Byron McElroy: We're taking you to Contention. Putting you on the 3:10 to Yuma day after tomorrow.
Tucker: You shouldn't have told him that!
Ben Wade: Relax, friend. Now if we get separated, I know where to meet up.
View Quote Charlie Prince: Here's to the four we lost in battle. And here's to the boss, who... had to say good-bye to Tommy Darden today. And that's too bad.
Ben Wade: Proverbs 13:3. "He that keepeth his mouth, "keepeth his life. He that opens his lips too wide shall bring on his own destruction."
Charlie Prince: Amen.
Ben Wade: Tommy was weak. Tommy was stupid. Tommy is dead.
View Quote Charlie Prince: Morning Pinkerton. Name's Charlie Prince. I expect you heard of me.
Byron McElroy: Well, I heard of a balled up whore named Charlie Princess. That you, missy?
Charlie Prince: [shoots Byron] I hate Pinkertons.
View Quote Dan Evans: [handing him Alice's brooch] William, I want you to give this back to your mother. I want you to tell her that it helped me find what was right.
William Evans: Pa... I can't. I can't just leave you.
Dan Evans: I'm gonna be a day behind you, William. Unless something happens, and if it does, I need a man at the ranch to run things, protect our family, and I know that you can do that because you've become a fine man, William. You've become a fine man. You got all the best parts of me. What few there are. [Dan shakes William's hand] And you just remember that your old man walked Ben Wade to that station when nobody else would.
View Quote Dan Evans: What did Doc Potter give his life for, William? McElroy...
Ben Wade: Little red ants on a hill.
Grayson Butterfield: I'll pay you the 200, Dan. Right now. And you can walk away.
Dan Evans: You know, this whole ride, that's been nagging on me. That's what the government gave me for my leg. $198.36. And the funny thing is that... when you think about it, which I have been lately, was they weren't paying me to walk away. They were paying me so they could walk away.
Ben Wade: Don't muddy the past in the present, Dan.
Dan Evans: No, no, no, Wade. I'm seeing the world the way it is.
View Quote Grayson Butterfield: Twenty-two robberies. Over four hundred thousand dollars in losses. More in delays. The Southern Pacific will have Ben Wade convicted in a federal court. Hanged in public. An example made. And we will pay to make it happen.
Ben Wade: Y'all notice he didn't mention any of the lives I've taken.
View Quote Mark Evans: If my pa wants to, he could shoot you dead. He can shoot a jackrabbit at 50 yards!
Dan Evans: Shooting an animal's a lot different than, uh, shooting a man, son.
Ben Wade: No, it isn't. Not in my opinion. We could ask Byron here. Now, Byron, he's killed dozens of people: Men and women and children, miners, Apache.
Byron McElroy: Not a soul taken didn't deserve what it got.
Ben Wade: Every way of man is right in his own eyes, Byron. The Lord ponders the heart. Proverbs 21.
View Quote Walter Boles: Ben Wade gunned down my kid brother in front of me six years ago in Abilene.
Ben Wade: Your brother was a lyin', bilkin' card sharp. That is, if he's the asshole I remember. Could, of course, been some other asshole I killed that I forgot about.
View Quote William Evans: You ever been to Dodge?
Ben Wade: Yes, indeed. Meanest, most beautiful dirty city there ever was. Saloon was just overflowing with cattle drivers, and road agents, prospectors, gunslingers, gamblers, and women. Women who'll do things to you, you'll never forget.
Doc Potter: They'll give you a disease you'll never forget.
Ben Wade: Money in your pocket in Dodge City, you can have everything a man ever wished for. Everything a man comes to need. I got there on my own as a boy not much bigger than you.
Dan Evans: And how many men you killed since then, Wade? How many families you destroyed?
Ben Wade: Quite a few.
Doc Potter: Is it true that you dynamited a wagon full of prospectors in the Western Territories last spring?
Ben Wade: No, that's a lie. It was a train full.