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Titanic quotes

68 total quotes

Multiple Characters
Old Rose

View Quote Frederick Fleet: That was a close shave, wasn't it?
Reginald Lee: Smell ice, can you? Bleedin' Christ!
View Quote [Rose is attempting to commit suicide]
Jack Dawson: Don't do it!
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Stay back! Don't come any closer!
Jack Dawson: Come on, just give me your hand. I'll pull you back over.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: No, stay where you are! I mean it! I'll let go!
Jack Dawson: [throws his cigarette into the ocean] No, you won't.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: What do you mean, "No I won't"? Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do, you don't know me!
Jack Dawson: Well, you would've done it already.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: You're distracting me! Go away!
Jack Dawson: I can't. I'm involved now. If you let go, I'm gonna have to jump in there after you.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Don't be absurd. You'd be killed!
Jack Dawson: I'm a good swimmer.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: The fall alone would kill you.
Jack Dawson: It would hurt. I'm not saying it wouldn't. To tell you the truth I'm a lot more concerned about that water being so cold. [slowly removing his boots]
Rose DeWitt Bukater: [look down at the water] How cold?
Jack Dawson: Freezing. Maybe a couple degrees over. You ever been to Wisconsin?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: What?
Jack Dawson: Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice fishing on Lake Wissota. Ice fishing is you know where you...
Rose DeWitt Bukater: [angrily] I know what ice fishing is!
Jack Dawson: Sorry. You just seemed like, you know, kind of an indoor girl. Anyway, I fell through some thin ice and I'm telling ya, water that cold, like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. You can't breathe. You can't think. At least not about anything but the pain. Which is why I'm not looking' forward to jumping in there after you. But like I said, I don't have a choice. I guess I'm hoping you'll come back over the railing and get me off the hook here.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: You're crazy!
Jack Dawson: That's what everybody says. But with all due respect, miss, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here. Come on, give me your hand. You don't want to do this. [Rose turns around and takes Jack's hand] Whew! I'm Jack Dawson.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Rose DeWitt Bukater.
Jack Dawson: I'm gonna have to get you to write that one down. Come on.
View Quote Colonel Archibald Gracie: All life is a game of luck.
Caledon Hockley: A real man makes his own luck, Archie. Right, Dawson? [Jack nods]
Ruth DeWitt Bukater: And you find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you?
Jack Dawson: Well, yes, ma'am, I do... I mean, I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or, who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge and now here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people. I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you... to make each day count.
Molly Brown: Well said, Jack.
Colonel Archibald Gracie: Hear, hear!
Rose DeWitt Bukater: [holds up her champagne] To make it count.
Everyone: [holds up their champaigns to Jack] To make it count! [Jack smiles, holds up his champagne and everyone drinks]
View Quote Ruth DeWitt Bukater: Tea, Trudy!
Trudy Bolt: Yes, ma'am.
Ruth DeWitt Bukater: You're not to see that boy again Do you understand me? Rose, I forbid it.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Oh stop it, mother. You'll give yourself a nosebleed.
Ruth DeWitt Bukater: This is not a game! Out situation is precarious. You know the money's gone!
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Of course I know it's gone. You remind me every day!
Ruth DeWitt Bukater: Your father left us nothing but a legacy of bad debts hidden by a good name. That name is the only card we have to play. I don't understand you. It is a fine match with Hockley, it will ensure our survival.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: How can you put this on my shouders?
Ruth DeWitt Bukater: Why are you being so selfish?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I'm being selfish?
Ruth DeWitt Bukater: You want to see me working as a seamstress? Is that what you want? To see your fine things sold at auction, our memories scattered to the wind?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: It's so unfair.
Ruth DeWitt Bukater: Of course, it's unfair. We're women. Our choices are never easy.
View Quote [Jack stands outside on the bow of the Titanic, down in the dumps, until Rose arrives]
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Hello, Jack. I changed my mind. They said you might be out here -
Jack Dawson: Shhh. Give me your hand. Now close your eyes. Go on, now step up. Now hold on to the railing. Keep your eyes closed. Don't peek.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I'm not.
Jack Dawson: Step up. Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me? [opens Rose's arms]
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I trust you.
Jack Dawson: All right. Open you eyes!
Rose DeWitt Bukater: [gasps] I'm flying, Jack!
Jack Dawson: [starts singing] Come, Josephine, my flying machine, going up she goes, up she goes.
[They kiss passionately]
View Quote Caledon Hockley: I hope you would come to me last night.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I was tired.
Caledon Hockley: Your exertions below decks were no doubt exhausting.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me. How typical.
Caledon Hockley: You will never behave like that again, Rose. Do you understand?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I'm not a foreman in one of your mills that you can command. I'm you fiancee.
Caledon Hockley: My fian... My fiancee! (Upending the breakfast table out of the way in rage, breaking everything breakable) Yes, of course you are, and my wife. My wife in practice if not yet by law, so you will honor me. (Pushes his menacing face close to Rose) You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor a husband. Because I will not be made out a fool, Rose. Is this in any way unclear?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: No.
Caledon Hockley: Good. Excuse me.
View Quote Molly Brown: Hey, uh, who thought of the name Titanic? Was it you, Bruce?
J. Bruce Ismay: Yes, actually. I want to convey sheer size, and size means stability, luxury, and above all, strength.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Do you know of Dr. Freud, Mr Ismay? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you.
Ruth DeWitt Bukater: [whispering] What's gotten into you?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Excuse me. [rises and leaves]
Ruth DeWitt Bukater: I do apologize.
Molly Brown: She's a pistol, Cal. Hope you can handle her.
Caledon Hockley: Well, I may have to start minding what she reads from now on, won't I, Mrs. Brown?
J. Bruce Ismay: Freud? Who is he? Is he a passenger?
View Quote [Rose is on top of a door in the water and Jack is hanging off the side, shivering in the water]
Jack Dawson: I don't know about you, but I intend to go write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all this.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I love you, Jack.
Jack Dawson: Don't you do that, don't you say your good-byes. Not yet, do you understand me?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I'm so cold.
Jack Dawson: Listen, Rose. You're gonna get out of here, you're gonna go on, and you're gonna make lots of babies, and you're gonna watch them grow. You're gonna die an old... an old lady warm in her bed, not here, not this night. Not like this, do you understand me?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I can't feel my body.
Jack Dawson: Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I promise.
Jack Dawson: Never let go.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.
View Quote [As the Carpathia arrives in New York, Rose stands in the rain, staring at the Statue of Liberty]
Carpathia Steward: Can I take your name, please love?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Dawson. Rose Dawson.
Carpathia Steward: Thank you.
Old Rose: [back to the present] Can you exchange one life for another? A caterpiller turns into a butterfly. If a mindless insect can do it, why couldn't I? Was it any more unimaginable than the sinking of the Titanic?
Lewis Bodine: We never found anything on Jack. There's no record of him at all.
Old Rose: No, there wouldn't be would there? And I've never spoken of him until now. Not to anyone. Not even your grandfather. A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. But now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson, and that he saved me, in every way that a person can be saved. I don't even have a picture of him. He exists now only in my memory.
View Quote Jack Dawson: [referring to Cal] Do you love him?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Pardon me?
Jack Dawson: Do you love him?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Well, you're being very rude. You shouldn't be asking me this.
Jack Dawson: Well, it's a simple question. Do you love the guy or not?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: This is not a suitable conversation.
Jack Dawson: Why can't you just answer the question?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: This is absurd. I don't know you and you don't know me and we are not having this conversation at all. You are rude and uncouth, and presumptuous, and I am leaving now. [starts shaking Jack's hand] Jack... Mister Dawson, it's been a pleasure. I've sought you out to thank you, and now I have thanked you.
Jack Dawson: And you've insulted me.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Well, you deserved it.
Jack Dawson: Right.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Right. [still shakes Jack's hand]
Jack Dawson: I thought you were leaving.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: [turns to leave] I am. You are so annoying.
Jack Dawson: Ha, ha.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: [turns back to Jack] Wait, I don't have to leave, this is my part of the ship. You leave.
Jack Dawson: Oh ho, ho, well well well, now who's being rude?
View Quote Rose DeWitt Bukater: Jack, this is impossible! I can't see you.
Jack Dawson: But I need to talk to you.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: No, Jack. No! Jack, I'm engaged! I'm marrying Cal. I love Cal.
Jack Dawson: Rose, you're no picnic, all right? You're a spoiled little brat even, but under that you're the most amazingly astounding girl - woman, that I've ever known and--
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Jack, I--
Jack Dawson: No wait. Let me try to get this out. You're amazing... I'm not an idiot. I know how the world works. I've got ten bucks in my pocket and I have nothing to offer you, and I know that. But I'm too involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? I can't turn away without knowin' that you'll be alright. That's all I want.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Well, I'm fine. I'll be fine. Really.
Jack Dawson: Really? I don't think so. They've got you trapped, Rose! And you're goin' to die if you don't break free, but maybe not right away, 'cause you're strong, but sooner or later that fire that I love about you, Rose... That fire's gonna burn out.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: It's not up to you to save me, Jack.
Jack Dawson: You're right. Only you can do that.
View Quote Thomas Andrews: The pumps will buy you time, but minutes only. From this moment, no matter what we do, Titanic will founder.
J. Bruce Ismay: But this ship can't sink!
Thomas Andrews: She is made of iron, sir. I assure you, she can. And she will. It is a mathematical certainty.
Captain Edward J. Smith: How much time?
Thomas Andrews: An hour, two at most.
Captain Edward J. Smith: And how many aboard, Mr. Murdoch?
William Murdoch: 2,200 souls on board, sir.
Captain Edward J. Smith: Well, I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay.
View Quote Rose DeWitt Bukater: Cal insists on carting this hideous thing everywhere.
Jack Dawson: Can we be expecting him anytime soon?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Not as long as the cigars and brandy hold out. [shows Jack the diamond]
Jack Dawson: That's nice. What is it, a sapphire?
Rose DeWitt Bukater: A diamond, a very rare diamond. Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. Wearing this...
Jack Dawson: All right.
Rose DeWitt Bukater: Wearing only this.
View Quote Rose DeWitt Bukater: Mr. Andrews, forgive me, I did the sum in my head, and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned, forgive me, but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard.
Thomas Andrews: About half, actually, you miss nothing Rose, do you? In fact, I put in these new type davits, which could take an extra row of boats inside this one. But it was thought, by some, that the deck would look too clutered. So I was overruled.
Caledon Hockley: A waste of deck space as it is, on an unsinkable ship.
Thomas Andrews: Sleep soundly, young Rose. I have built you a good ship, strong and true. She's all the lifeboats you need.
View Quote Frederick Fleet: [calls for the bridge after seeing the iceberg] PICK UP, YOU BAS****!! [Sixth Officer Moody takes the call] Is there anyone there?
James Moody: Yes. What do you see?
Frederick Fleet: ICEBERG, RIGHT AHEAD!
James Moody: Thank you. [to First Officer Murdoch] ICEBERG, RIGHT AHEAD!!
William McMaster Murdoch: [to Quartermaster Hitchens, who is on the helm] HARD-A-STARBOARD!!