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Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman quotes

69 total quotes

Edward Lewis
Kit De Luca
Major cast
Multiple Characters
Vivian Ward

View Quote Vivian: Listen, I... I appreciate this whole seduction scene you've got goin', but let me give you a tip — I'm a sure thing, okay? So... I'm on an hourly rate. Could we just move it along?
Edward: Somehow, I'm sensing that this time problem is a major issue with you. Why don't we just get through that right now.
Vivian: Great! Let's get started.
Edward: How much for the entire night?
Vivian: Stay here? [small laugh] You couldn't afford it.
Edward: Try me.
Vivian: 300 dollars.
Edward: Done. Thank you. Now we can relax.
[A flummoxed Vivian gets up.]
Vivian: Are you sure you want me to stay for the entire night? I mean, I could just pop ya good and be on my way.
Edward: [To] tell you the truth, I don't feel like being alone tonight.
Vivian: Why, is it your birthday, or something?
Edward: No.
Vivian: I mean, I have been the party at a couple of birthdays.
Edward: Hmpf. I bet you have.
View Quote Magician at party: No matter what they say, it's all about money. So let's imagine, ladies, that you're a savings and loan officer. Watch - one, two, three; see, you've got it all, and we've got nothing. You've got all four, take a look.
View Quote Vivian: Hey, sugar, you lookin' for a date?
Edward: No, I want to find Beverly Hills. Can you give me directions?
Vivian: Sure. For five bucks.
Edward: Ridiculous.
Vivian: Price just went up to ten.
Edward: You can't charge me for directions!
Vivian: I can do anything I want to, baby. I ain't lost.
View Quote Vivian: The stores are not nice to people — I don't like it.
Edward: Stores are never nice to people. They're nice to credit cards.
View Quote Laura San Giacomo — Kit De Luca
View Quote Vivian: Edward, are you in town on, uh, business or pleasure?
Edward: Business, I think.
Vivian: Business, you think. Well... let me guess. That would make you... a lawyer.
Edward: A lawyer?
Vivian: Umm-hmm.
Edward: What makes you think I'm a lawyer?
Vivian: You've got that, um... sharp, useless look about you.
View Quote Hector Elizondo — Hotel Manager Barney Thompson
View Quote Hollister: Exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about? Just... profane, or really offensive?
Edward: Really offensive.
Hollister: [to himself] I like him so much.
View Quote Elizabeth Stuckey: '[about Vivian] She's sweet, Edward! Wherever did you find her?
Edward: 976-BABE.
View Quote Edward: When you and I were dating, did you speak to my secretary more than you spoke to me?
Susan: She was one of my bridesmaids.
View Quote Fifty bucks, Grandpa. For seventy-five, the wife can watch.
View Quote Larry Miller — Mr. Hollister
View Quote Vivian: People put you down enough, you start to believe it.
Edward: I think you... are a very bright, very special woman.
Vivian: The bad stuff is easier to believe. You ever notice that?
View Quote Thompson: I have a message for you, sir.
Edward: From who?
Thompson: Ah, from your niece, sir.
Edward: My what?
Thompson: The young lady who's staying in your room, sir.
Edward: Oh. Hmm. I think we both know that she's not my niece.
Thompson: Of course.
Edward: The reason I know that, is that I am an only child.
View Quote You'll buy a snap dog and we'll cop a squat under a tree or somewhere. "I know thats right"