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Just Like Heaven

Just Like Heaven quotes

52 total quotes

David Abbot
Elizabeth Masterson
Jack Houriskey
Multiple Characters

View Quote [After downstairs neighbor Katrina flirts outrageously with David.]
Elizabeth: You don't think she was completely un-classy and predatory?
David: Those happen to be two of men's favorite things.
View Quote [An intangible Elizabeth coaches David in helping a collapsed restaurant patron.]
Manager: What's wrong with him?
Elizabeth: It's a tension pneumothorax.
David: I think it's a tension nemothaxer.
Elizabeth: Pneumothorax.
David: Pneumothaxer.
Elizabeth: Pneumothorax.
David: Pneuma… pneumathurman!
Elizabeth: Never mind.
David: Never mind!
View Quote [The pair has located Elizabeth's comatose body in a hospital.]
David: Oh, my God, it's you. It's you, it's really you. You're, you're not dead, you're alive.
Elizabeth: I know, David, but I'm in a coma. This is not good.
David: Well, it's way better than dead!
View Quote [David has just ducked out of a tryst with Katrina.]
Elizabeth: That was quick.
David: Come on, nothing happened.
Elizabeth: What did you say to her?
David: Um… that I was seeing someone.
Elizabeth: Honestly?
David: Well, I didn't mention that, uh, I was the only one who could.
View Quote [Elizabeth's life support is due to be terminated shortly.]
David: Suddenly I know what I'm supposed to do. Because this time I can do something.
Elizabeth: What are you talking about?
David: Lizzie, when we first met, I kept saying you were dead. But it was me that was dead, and you brought me back. You saved me. And now it's my turn to save you.
Elizabeth: How?
David: I'm gonna steal your body!
View Quote Jack: Fine,fine. If she is really there tell me, tell me what I have behind my back. Rock, paper, or scissor.
Elizabeth: Rock!
David: Rock!
Elizabeth: Scissors!
David: Scissors!
Elizabeth: Paper!
David: Paper!
Elizabeth: Rock, again!
David: Rock,again!
[Jack puts up the middle finger behind his back.]
Elizabeth: He's flipping me off.
David: Are you flipping her off?
View Quote [Despite his doubts, Jack is helping to remove Elizabeth's body from the hospital.]
Elizabeth: David, tell him thank you.
David: Jack? We're really grateful.
Jack: I'm not doing it for you.
David: Well, then why are you doing it?
Jack: Because someday, trust me, I'm gonna need help moving a body, and when that day comes, I don't wanna hear any shit from you.