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It's a Wonderful Life

It's a Wonderful Life quotes

66 total quotes

Clarence Oddbody
George Bailey
Mary Hatch
Multiple Characters

View Quote Clarence: I didn't have time to get some stylish underwear. My wife gave me this on my last birthday. I passed away in it. Oh, Tom Sawyer's drying out, too. You should read the new book Mark Twain's writing now.
Tollkeeper: How'd you happen to fall in?
Clarence: I didn't fall in. I jumped in to save George.
George: You what? To save me?
Clarence: Well, I did, didn't I? You didn't go through with it, did you?
George: Go through with what?
Clarence: Suicide.
Tollkeeper: It's against the law to commit suicide around here.
Clarence: Yeah, it's against the law where I come from, too.
Tollkeeper: Where do you come from?
Clarence: Heaven. '[to George] I had to act quickly; that's why I jumped in. I knew if I were drowning you'd try to save me. And you see, you did, and that's how I saved you.
View Quote Clarence: So you still think killing yourself would make everyone feel happier, eh?
George: Oh, I don't know. I guess you're right. I suppose it would have been better if I'd never been born at all.
Clarence: What did you say?
George: I said "I'd wish I'd never been born!"
Clarence: Oh, you mustn't say things like that. You...wait a minute. Wait a minute. That's an idea. [glances up toward Heaven] What do you think? Yeah, that'll do it. All right. [to George] You've got your wish. You've never been born. [snow stops falling and a strong gust of wind blows open the door] You don't have to make all that fuss about it.
View Quote [The cash register bell rings]
Clarence: Oh...oh. Somebody's just made it.
George: Made what?
Clarence: Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel's just got his wings.
George: Look, I think maybe you better not mention getting your wings around here.
Clarence: Why? Don't they believe in angels?
George: A...Yeah, know...
Clarence: Then why should they be surprised when they see one?
George: [to Nick] He never grew up. He's... How old are you, anyway, Clarence?
Clarence: Two hundred and May.
Nick: That does it! Out you two pixies go, through the door or out the window!
View Quote Reineman: Look, Mr. Potter, it's no skin off my nose. I'm just your little rent collector. But you can't laugh off this Bailey Park any more. Look at it...Fifteen years ago, a half-dozen houses stuck here and there. There's the old cemetery, squirrels, buttercups, daisies. Used to hunt rabbits there myself. Look at it today. Dozens of the prettiest little homes you ever saw. Ninety percent owned by suckers who used to pay rent to you. Your Potter's Field, my dear Mr. Employer, is becoming just that. And are the local yokels making with those David and Goliath wisecracks!
Potter: Oh, they are, are they? Even though they know the Baileys haven't made a dime out of it.
Reineman: You know very well why. The Baileys were all chumps. Every one of these homes is worth twice what it cost the Building and Loan to build. If I were you, Mr. Potter...
Potter: Well, you are not me.
Reineman: As I say, it's no skin off my nose. But one of these days this bright young man is going to be asking George Bailey for a job.
Potter: The Bailey family has been a boil on my neck long enough.
View Quote George: I'm in trouble, Mr. Potter. I need help. Through some sort of an accident my company's short in their accounts. The bank examiner's up there today. I've got to raise eight thousand dollars immediately.
Potter: Oh, so that's what the reporters wanted to talk to you about?
George: The reporters?
Potter: Yes. They called me up from your Building and Loan. Oh, there's a man over there from the D.A.'s office, too. He's looking for you.
George: Please help me, Mr. Potter. Help me, won't you please? Can't you see what it means to my family? I'll pay you any sort of a bonus on the loan... any interest. If you still want the Building and Loan, why I...
Potter: George, could it possibly be there's a slight discrepancy in the books?
george: No, sir. There's nothing wrong with the books. I've just misplaced eight thousand dollars. I can't find it anywhere.
Potter: You misplaced eight thousand dollars?
George: Yes, sir.
Potter: Have you notified the police?
George: No, sir. I didn't want the publicity. Harry's homecoming tomorrow...
Potter: They're going to believe that one. What've you been doing, George? Playing the market with the company's money?
George: No, sir. No, sir. I haven't.
Potter: What is it –– a woman, then? You know, it's all over town that you've been giving money to Violet Bick.
George: What?
Potter: Not that it makes any difference to me, but why did you come to me? Why don't you go to Sam Wainwright and ask him for the money?
George: I can't get hold of him. He's in Europe.
Potter: Well, what about all your other friends?
George: They don't have that kind of money, Mr. Potter. You know that. You're the only one in town that can help me.
Potter: I see. I've suddenly become quite important. What kind of security would I have, George? Have you got any stocks?
George: No, sir.
Potter: Bonds? Real estate? Collateral of any kind?
George: I have some life insurance, a fifteen thousand dollar policy.
Potter: Yes... how much is your equity in it?
George: Five hundred dollars.
Potter: Look at you. You used to be so ****y! You were going to go out and conquer the world! You once called me a warped, frustrated old man. What are you but a warped, frustrated young man? A miserable little clerk crawling in here on your hands and knees and begging for help. No securities –– no stocks –– no bonds –– nothing but a miserable little five hundred dollar equity in a life insurance policy. [laughs] You're worth more dead than alive. Why don't you go to the riff-raff you love so much and ask them to let you have eight thousand dollars? You know why? Because they'd run you out of town on a rail...But I'll tell you what I'm going to do for you, George. Since the state examiner is still here, as a stockholder of the Building and Loan, I'm going to swear out a warrant for your arrest. Misappropriation of funds –– manipulation –– malfeasance... [George gets up to leave] All right, George, go ahead. You can't hide in a little town like this.
View Quote George: Mary... [picks up Mary's robe, which is lying on the ground] Okay, I give up. Where are you?
Mary: Over here in the hydrangea bushes.
George: Here you are. Catch. [He is about to throw her the robe, but reconsiders] Wait a minute. What am I doing? This is a very interesting situation.
Mary: Please give me my robe.
George: Hmmm...A man doesn't get in a situation like this every day.
Mary: I'd like to have my robe.
George: Not in Bedford Falls, anyway.
Mary: [thrashing around in the bushes] Ouch!
George: Gesundheit. This requires a little thought here.
Mary: George Bailey! Give me my robe!
George: I've heard about things like this, but I've never...
Mary: Shame on you. I'm going to tell your mother on you.
George: Oh, my mother's way up the corner there.
Mary: I'll call the police!
George: They're way downtown. They'd be on my side, too.
Mary: Then I'm going to scream!
George: Maybe I could sell tickets. No, no... Let's see. No, the point is, in order to get this robe...I've got it! I'll make a deal with you, Mary.
View Quote George: Mary! Well, hello, Mr. Bank Examiner!
Carter: Mr. Bailey, there's a deficit!
George: I know. Eight thousand dollars.
Sheriff: George, I've got a little paper here.
George: I'll bet it's a warrant for my arrest. Isn't it wonderful? I'm going to jail! Merry Christmas! Where's Mary? Mary! Oh, look at this wonderful old drafty house. Mary! Mary! Have you...have you seen my wife?
Kids: Merry Christmas, Daddy!
George: Kids! Pete, Janie, Tommy! Let me look at you. [hugging them] Oh, I could eat you up. Where is your mother?
Pete: She went looking for you with Uncle Billy.
Zuzu: Daddy!
George: Zuzu! Zuzu, my little gingersnap! How do you feel?
Zuzu: Fine!
Janie: And not a smitch of temperature.
George: Not a smitch of tempe...[begins laughing] Hallelujah!
View Quote George: Oh, say... Hey... where's my car?
Man: I beg your pardon?
George: My car, my car. I'm the fellow that owns the car that ran into your tree.
Man: What tree?
George: What do you mean, what tree? This tree. Here, I ran into it. Cut a big gash in the side of it here.
Man: [after examining the tree and finding no damage] You must mean two other trees. You had me worried. One of the oldest trees in Pottersville.
George: Pottersville? Why, you mean Bedford Falls.
Man: I mean Pottersville. Don't you think I know where I live? What's the matter with you?
[The man leaves]
George: Oh, I don't know. Either I'm off my nut, or he is... [to Clarence] or you are!
Clarence: [laughs] It isn't me!
George: Well, maybe I left the car up at Martini's. Well, come on, Gabriel.
Clarence: Clarence!
View Quote Well, here's your hat, what's your hurry? All right, Mother, old Building and Loan pal, I think I'll go out and find a girl and do a little passionate necking.
View Quote Peter Bailey (Pop): [about Potter] Oh, he's a sick man. Frustrated and sick. Sick in his mind, sick in his soul, if he has one. Hates everybody that has anything that he can't have. Hates us mostly, I guess.
View Quote Mickey: [Walks up to a disheartened Freddie Othello, dumped by Mary Hatch] What's the matter, Othello - jealous? Did you know there's a swimming pool under this floor? And did you know that button behind you causes this floor to open up? And did you further know that George Bailey is dancing right over that crack? [Othello turns to Mickey] And I've got the key!
View Quote Billy: [drunk] Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy. I feel so good I could spit in Potter's eye. I think I will. What did you say, huh? Oh, maybe I'd better go home.Where's my hat? Where's my... [George takes the hat from Uncle Billy's head and hands it to him] Oh, thank you, George. Which one is mine?
George: The middle one.
Billy: Oh, thank you, George, old boy, old boy. Now, look –– if you'll point me in the right direction... would you do that? George?
George: Right down here.
Billy: Old Building and Loan pal, huh...
George: Now you just turn this way and go right straight down.
Billy: That way, huh? [begins singing, then a crash is heard] I'm all right. I'm all right. [singing] "...the sweetest flower that grows . . . "
View Quote Pop: I know it's soon to talk about it.
George: Oh, now Pop, I couldn't. I couldn't face being cooped up for the rest of my life in a shabby little office...Oh, I'm sorry Pop, I didn't mean that, but this business of nickels and dimes and spending all your life trying to figure out how to save three cents on a length of pipe...I'd go crazy. I want to do something big and something important.
Pop: You know, George, I feel that in a small way we are doing something important. Satisfying a fundamental urge. It's deep in the race for a man to want his own roof and walls and fireplace, and we're helping him get those things in our shabby little office.
George: I know, Dad. I wish I felt...But I've been hoarding pennies like a miser in order to...Most of my friends have already finished college. I just feel like if I don't get away, I'd bust.
Pop: Yes...yes...You're right son.
George: You see what I mean, don't you, Pop?
Pop: This town is no place for any man unless he's willing to crawl to Potter. You've got talent, son. I've seen it. You get yourself an education. Then get out of here.
George: Pop, you want a shock? I think you're a great guy. [to Annie, listening through the door] Oh, did you hear that, Annie?
Annie: I heard it. About time one of you lunkheads said it.
View Quote Billy: [grabbing Potter's newspaper] Well, good morning, Mr. Potter. What's the news? Well, well, well, Harry Bailey wins Congressional Medal. That couldn't be one of the Bailey boys? You just can't keep those Baileys down, now, can you, Mr. Potter?
Potter: How does slacker George feel about that?
Billy: Very jealous, very jealous. He only lost three buttons off his vest. Of course, slacker George would have gotten two of those medals if he had gone.
Potter: Bad ear.
Billy: Yes. After all, Potter, some people like George had to stay home. Not every heel was in Germany and Japan!
View Quote Zuzu Bailey: Look, daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.
George: That's right, that's right. Attaboy, Clarence.