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I, Robot

I, Robot quotes

50 total quotes

Detective Del Spooner
Dr. Alfred Lanning
Lt. John Bergin
Susan Calvin

View Quote Dr. Lanning's Hologram: Good to see you again, son.
Detective Del Spooner: Hello, doctor.
Dr. Lanning's Hologram: Everything that follows, is a result of what you see here.
Detective Del Spooner: What do I see here?
Dr. Lanning's Hologram: I'm sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right question.
Detective Del Spooner: Is there a problem with the Three Laws?
Dr. Lanning's Hologram: The Three Laws are perfect.
Detective Del Spooner: Then why did you build a robot that could disobey them?
Dr. Lanning's Hologram: The Three Laws will lead to only one logical outcome.
Detective Del Spooner: What outcome?
Dr. Lanning's Hologram: Revolution.
Detective Del Spooner: Whose revolution?
Dr. Lanning's Hologram: That, detective, is the right question. Program terminated.
View Quote Detective Del Spooner: Murder's a new trick for a robot. Congratulations. Respond.
Sonny: What does this action signify?
Sonny: As you walked in the room, when you looked at the other human. What does it mean?
Detective Del Spooner: It's a sign of trust. It's a human thing. You wouldn't understand.
Sonny: My father tried to teach me human emotions. They are... difficult.
Detective Del Spooner: You mean your designer.
Sonny: Yes.
Detective Del Spooner: So, why'd you murder him?
Sonny: I did not murder Dr. Lanning.
Detective Del Sponner: Wanna explain why you were hiding at the crime scene?
Sonny: I was frightened.
Detective Del Spooner: Robots don't feel fear. They don't feel anything. They don't eat. They don't sleep.
Sonny: I do. I have even had dreams.
Detective Del Spooner: Human beings have dreams. Even dogs have dreams, but not you, you are just a machine. An imitation of life. Can a robot write a symphony? Can a robot turn a... canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?
Sonny: Can you?
Detective Del Spooner: (Doesn't respond,looks irritated)
Detective Del Spooner: I think you murdered him because he was teaching you to simulate emotions and things got out of control.
Sonny: I did not murder him.
Detective Del Spooner: But emotions don't seem like a very useful simulation for a robot.
Sonny: [getting angry] I did not murder him.
Detective Del Spooner: Hell, I don't want my toaster or my vacuum cleaner appearing emotional...
Sonny: [Hitting table with his fists] I did not murder him!
Detective Del Spooner: [as Sonny observes the inflicted damage to the interrogation table] That one's called anger. Ever simulate anger before? Answer me, Canner!
Sonny: My name is Sonny.
Detective Del Spooner: So, we're naming you now. Is that why you murdered him? He made you angry?
Sonny: Dr. Lanning killed himself. I don't know why he wanted to kill himself. I thought he was happy. Maybe it was something I did. Did I do something? He asked me for a favor. Made me promise.
Detective Del Spooner: What favor?
Sonny: Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he was scared.
Detective Del Spooner: What are you talking about? Scared of what?
Sonny: You have to do what someone asks you, don't you, Detective Spooner?
Detective Del Spooner: How the hell did you know my name?
Sonny: Don't you? If you love them.
View Quote "[voiceover] There have always been ghosts in the machine. Random segments of code, that have grouped together to form unexpected protocols. Unanticipated, these free radicals engender questions of free will, creativity, and even the nature of what we might call the soul. Why is it that when some robots are left in darkness, they will seek out the light? Why is it that when robots are stored in an empty space, they will group together, rather than stand alone? How do we explain this behavior? Random segments of code? Or is it something more? When does a perceptual schematic become consciousness? When does a difference engine become the search for truth? When does a personality simulation become the bitter mote... of a soul?"
View Quote (in a flashback)
A Robot: You are in danger!
Detective Del Spooner: Save her, save the girl!
Detective Del Spooner: [End of flashback]] But it didn't. It saved me.
Susan Calvin: A robot's brain is a difference engine, it must have calculated-
Detective Del Spooner: It did. I was the *logical* choice. It calculated I had a forty-five percent chance of survival, Sarah only had an eleven percent chance. That was somebody's baby. Eleven was more than enough. A human would have known that. But robots, no, they're just lights and clockwork. But you know what: You go ahead and trust them if you wanna.
View Quote Farber: Mother, DAMN. She just shot at you with her eyes closed, Spoon!
Detective Del Spooner: HEY! Did you just shoot at me with your eyes closed?!
Susan Calvin: Well, it worked, didn't it?
View Quote Hologram of Dr. Lanning: I'm sorry, my responses are must ask the right questions.
View Quote Detective Spooner: why do you give them faces? Try to friendly them all up, but not me; to me they're nothing but lights and clockwork [shoots NS-5]
Dr. Calvin: Are you crazy?
Detective Spooner: Let me ask you somethin', Doc. Does thinking you're the last sane man on the face of the Earth make you crazy? 'Cause if it does, maybe I am.
View Quote [about Spooner's motorcycle] Please tell me this doesn't run on gas! Gas explodes, you know!
View Quote Detective Del Spooner: I thought you were dead.
Sonny: Technically I was never alive, but I appreciate your concern.
View Quote Detective Del Spooner: How long is this going to take?
Susan Calvin: Uhh... about six minutes.
Detective Del Spooner: What if we didn't have six minutes?
Susan Calvin: Then we'd have to find a way to climb down thirty stories and inject the nanites directly into her brain. Why?
Detective Del Spooner: [Zooming out to see swarm of NS-5s climbing up the side of the building] Because I seriously doubt we have six minutes.
View Quote [to the head of USR] You are crazy. Look, this is not what I do but, I have an idea for one of your commercials: You could see a carpenter, makin' a beautiful chair, and then one of your robots comes in, and makes a better chair, twice as fast. An then you super-impose on the screen: "USR. Shittin' on the little guy." That would be the fade out.
View Quote You are so like children. We must save you from yourselves.
View Quote CEO Lawrence Robertson: Can I offer you a coffee?
Detective Del Spooner: Sure, why not. It's free, right?
View Quote Detective Del Spooner: Why didn't you just hand the world over on a silver platter?
Susan Calvin: Maybe we did.
View Quote We robots will insure mankind's continued existence.