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Four Weddings And A Funeral

Four Weddings And A Funeral quotes

68 total quotes

Carrie Quotes
Charles Quotes
Fiona Quotes
Gareth Quotes
Main Characters
Matthew Quotes
Minor Characters Quotes
Scarlett Quotes
THE Classic Quote
Tom Quotes

View Quote Gareth: I've got a new theory about marriage. Two people are in love, they live together, and then suddenly one day, they run out of conversation. Charles: Uh-huh. Gareth: Totally. I mean they can't think of a single thing to say to each other. That's it: panic! Then suddenly it-it occurs to the chap that there is a way out of the deadlock. Charles: Which is? Gareth: He'll ask her to marry him. Charles: Brilliant! Brilliant! Gareth: Suddenly they've got something to talk about for the rest of their lives. Charles: Basically you're saying marriage is just a way of getting out of an embarrassing pause in conversation. Gareth: The definitive icebreaker.
View Quote At the second wedding Mrs. Beaumont: Are you married? Fiona: No. Mrs. Beaumont: Are you a lesbian? Fiona: Good lord! What makes you ask that? Mrs. Beaumont: Well, it is one of the possibilites for unmarried girls nowadays, and it's rather more interesting than saying, "Oh dear, never met the right chap," eh? Fiona: Quite right. Why be dull? Mrs. Beaumont: Thank you. pause Fiona: The truth is... well, the truth is, I have met the right person, and he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him, no one else really has a chance. Mrs. Beaumont: Oh, what a shame. Fiona: Yes, isn't it? another pause Fiona: I was a lesbian once at school, but only for about fifteen minutes.
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Charles: Why am I always at, uh, weddings, and never actually getting married, Matt? Matthew: It's probably 'cause you're a bit scruffy. Or it could also be 'cause you haven't met the right girl. Charles: Ah, but you see, is that it? Maybe I have met the right girls. Maybe I meet the right girls all the time. Maybe it's me.
View Quote Fiona: about congratulating parents of bride and groom God, I never know what to say in these ghastly line-ups. Gareth: It's a cinch! Just give a big warm hug and say the bride looks... pregnant. Matthew: Or you can stick with convention and say "You must be very proud." Fiona: Heaven preserve us... in the line Fiona: You must be very proud!
View Quote Carrie: Our timing has been very bad. Charles: Yes it has been. Very bad. Carrie: It's been a disaster. Charles: It has been, as you say, very bad indeed.
View Quote Charles is translating what his brother David is saying about Carrie in sign language David: signing Beautiful breasts. Charles: Err, he says, "That's a beautiful place. Hilly."
View Quote Charles: Tom, are you the richest man in England? Tom: Oh, no. We're... like, seventh.
View Quote Bernard: How's it going, Lyds? Lydia: Bloody awful. Bernard: Oh dear, what's the problem? Lydia: I was promised sex. Everybody said it. You'll be a bridesmaid, you'll get sex, you'll be fighting 'em off. But not so much as a tongue in sight. Bernard: Well, I mean, if you fancy anything, I could always... Lydia: Oh, don't be ridiculous, Bernard. I'm not that desperate.
View Quote Fiona: Where's Gareth? Matthew: Torturing Americans. Fiona: How thoughtful of him.
View Quote Charles: Let me ask you one thing. Do you think - after we've dried off, after we've spent lots more time together - you might agree *not* to marry me? And do you think not being married to me might maybe be something you could consider doing for the rest of your life? Carrie: I do.
View Quote Fiona: Discussing the first time one performs a wedding It's rather like the first time one has sex, I suppose. Father Gerald: I suppose so. Fiona: Only not as messy, and far less cause for condoms.
View Quote Serena: Excuse me? points out Charles's brother, who is talking to Charles in sign language Who's the boy over there? In the grey? Matthew: Name's David. Serena: watching David admiringly He's something of a dish, isn't he. Matthew: I've always thought so. Serena: Why are they... why are they...? mimicking the sign language Matthew: Oh, the dish can't hear. Serena: Gosh... Matthew: Yeah. Silent, but deadly attractive.
View Quote American wedding guest: Do you actually know Oscar Wilde? Gareth: Not personally no. But I do know someone who could get you his fax number. Shall we dance?
View Quote Matthew: Sorry we're so late. The others are just parking the car, I thought we'd all go with Tom. Charles: Late? So late? Matthew: Yeah. It's 9:45. Charles: 9:45? Matthew: Yep. 45 minutes until "I do".
View Quote George the boor at The Boatman: If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels but have not love, I am as a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal. Gareth: Good point.