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Van Helsing

Van Helsing quotes

53 total quotes

Anna Valerious
Multiple Characters
Van Helsing

View Quote Dr. Frankenstein: [about his Monster] I could never allow him to be used for such evil.
Dracula : I could.
View Quote Verona: I can feel fresh blood rushing through her veins!
View Quote Cardinal Jinette: Don't get me wrong. Your results are unquestionable, but your methods attract far too much attention. Wanted posters? We are not pleased.
Van Helsing: Do you think I like being the most wanted man in Europe? Why don't you and the Order do something about it?
Cardinal Jinette: Because we do not exist.
Van Helsing: Well then neither do I.
View Quote [Clapping his hand like a heartbeat] I can tell the character of a man by the sound of his heartbeat. Usually when I approach... I can almost dance to the beat… Strange that yours is so steady.
View Quote Frankenstein's monster: I am the key, to my father's machine. The key to life.
View Quote If there's one thing I've learned, it's never to be the first one to stick your hand in a viscous material.
View Quote Van Helsing: That's why you're coming with me.
Carl: The hell be damned that I am.
Van Helsing: You cursed. Not very well, mind you, but you're a monk. You shouldn't curse at all.
Carl: Actually, I'm still just a friar. I can curse all I want, dammit!
View Quote To have memories of those you have loved and lost is perhaps harder than to have no memories at all.
View Quote [About Frankenstein's monster] My life, my job, is to vanquish evil. I can... I can sense evil. This thing— man— whatever it is— evil may have created it, may have left its mark on it— but evil does not rule it. So I cannot kill it.
View Quote It must be such a burden. Such a curse, to be the left hand of God.
View Quote Van Helsing:[To Anna] Alright [starts choking] Flies! There's flies!!
Dracula: I give you...VAN HALEN!!!
Van Helsing: [aiming the arrow gun, the director shouts "NOW!"] Shit! [ducks] You frightened the hell out of me! [laughs]
Frankenstein's Monster: [in the ice cube] I'm a cold heartless bitch.
Mr. Hyde's stand-in: [lifts the bell]
Van Helsing: [jumps on his back] HEY DADDY!!! I'M HOME!!!
Van Helsing: There are those who go through the front door....and there are those who speak their lines a little bit better.
Hugh Jackman: I would NEVER trip. [several clips of him tripping/falling down]
View Quote All I want is life, Gabriel. The continuation of my kind. And perhaps... [shows his hand, which Gabriel cut a finger from] the return of my ring.
View Quote [after cutting off Mr Hyde's arm] I'll bet that's upsetting
View Quote Frankenstein's Monster: [hanging from a rope] Help! Help me!
Carl: But you're supposed to die!
Frankenstein's Monster: I want to live!
Carl:... All right.
View Quote Van Helsing: Bless me, father, for I have...
Cardinal Jinette: ...sinned, yes, I know. You are very good at that. You shattered the Rose Window.
Van Helsing: Well, not to split hairs, but it was Mr Hyde who did the smashing.
Cardinal Jinette: 11th century. Over eight hundred years old. I wish you a week in hell for that.