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The Magnificent Seven

The Magnificent Seven quotes

95 total quotes

Bernardo O'Reilly
Chris Adams
Harry Luck
the Old Man

View Quote Reminds me of that fella back home who fell off a ten-story building. As he was falling, people on each floor kept hearing him say, "So far, so good." Heh, so far, so good.
View Quote [Calvera meets Chris Adams and Vin as he rides into the village.]
Calvera: I should have guessed. When my men didn't come back, I should have guessed. How many of you did they hire?
Chris: Enough.
Calvera: New wall.
Chris: There's lots of new walls, all around.
Calvera: They won't keep me out.
Chris: They were built to keep you in.
Chris: There won't be any trouble... if you ride on.
Calvera: Ride on? Where am I going to get the food for my men?
Chico: Buy it or grow it!
O'Reilly: Or maybe even work for it.
Calvera: Hm, seven. Somehow I don't think you've solved my problem.
Chris: Solving your problems isn't our line.
Vin: We deal in lead, friend.
Calvera: So do I. We're in the same business.
Vin: Only as competitors.
Calvera: Why not as partners? Suppose I offer you equal shares.
Chris: Of what?
Calvera: Everything. Down to the last grain.
Chico: And the people of the village? What about them?
Calvera: I leave it to you. Do men of our profession worry about things like that? It may even be sacreligious! If God didn't want them sheared, He would not have made them sheep. What do you say?
Chris: Ride on.
Calvera: If I leave here with empty hands, everyone in this village will answer to me when I come back.
Chris: You won't come back.
Calvera: Why not?
Chris: Won't have any guns. Take them off right now and drop them.
View Quote [The surviving gunmen are preparing to ride out of the village.]
Old Man: You could e-stay, you know.They would not be sorry to have you e-stay.
Chris Adams: They won't be sorry to see us go, either.
Old Man: (nods) The fighting is over. Your work is done. For them, each season has its tasks. If there were a season for gratitude, they'd show it more.
Vin: We didn't get any more than we expected, old man.
Old Man: Only the farmers have won. They remain forever. They are like the land itself. You helped rid them of Calvera the way a strong wind helps rid them of locusts. You are like the wind, blowing across the land and... passing on. Vaya con Dios.
Chris: Adios.
View Quote Chico: Your gun has gotten you everything you have. Isn't that true? Hmm? Well, isn't it true?
Vin: Sure. Everything. After a while, you can call bartenders and Faro dealers by their first names. Maybe two hundred of 'em. Rented rooms you live in, five hundred. Meals eaten in hash-houses, a thousand. Home, none. Wife, none. Kids... none. Propects, zero. Suppose I left anything out?
Chris Adams: Yeah. Places you're tied down to, none. People with a hold on you, none. Men you step aside for, none.
Lee: Insults swallowed, none. Enemies, none.
Chris: No enemies?
Lee: Alive.
Chico: Now that's the kind of arithmetic I like!
Chris: Yeah. I did too, at your age.
View Quote Miguel: We need help.
Hilario: We must buy guns. We know nothing about them. Will you buy them for us?
Chris: Guns are very expensive and hard to get. Why don't you hire men?
Hilario: Men?
Chris: Gunmen. Nowadays, men are cheaper than guns.
Hilario: It won't be hard to find men here. Everyone wears a gun.
Chris: Sure. Same as they wear pants. That's expected. But good men? That's something else again.
View Quote Hilario: Did you have any luck?
Chris Adams: Found a man who would have been perfect. With gun or knife, couldn't ask for any better. But he wouldn't do it.
Hilario : The money, it was not enough?
Chris: He doesn't give a hoot about money.
Hilario: A man in this line of work who doesn't care about money?
Chris: Men in this line of work are not all alike. Some care about nothing but money. Others, for reasons of their own, enjoy only the danger.
Vin: And the competition.
Miguel: If he is the best with a gun and a knife, with whom does he compete?
Chris: Himself.
View Quote [A faction of villagers, led by Sotero, wants to make peace with Calvera; the Seven discuss their next move.]
Britt: You want to go?
Harry: Well, there comes a time to turn Mother's picture to the wall and get out. The village will be no worse off than it was before we came.
Chris Adams: You forget one thing. We took a contract.
Vin: Not the kind any court would enforce.
Chris: That's just the kind you've got to keep.
Vin: That's a noble thought, but the way things are right now... I don't know.
Harry: The odds are too high!
Chris: Much too high.
Harry: Then we go?
Chris: No. We lower the odds.
View Quote Chris Adams: Harry! Good to see you again. What are you doing in this dump?
Harry Luck: I, uh, heard you got a contract open.
Chris: Oh, not for a high-stepper like you.
Harry: A dollar bill always looks as big to me as a bedspread.
Chris: It's just eating money, Harry. A gold eagle, room and board. Six weeks gunning for some farmers.
Harry: Ah, you old Cajun! You don't talk so good, but you always know what's going on.
Chris: Now, Harry --
Harry: (to villagers) Uh, con permiso. (he closes the door and turns to Chris) All right. All that's on top. What's underneath?
Chris: Only what I told you.
Harry: Gold? Cattle? Payroll?
Chris: Only what I told you.
Harry: Oh, sure, sure. Just tell me when you can.
Chris: Harry, please don't understand me so fast.
Harry: Look, never mind. (winks) I'm in!
View Quote Vin: I did hear of a job below the border shooing flies away from a village, but I can't find out what it pays.
Chris Adams: Twenty dollars.
Vin: A week?
Chris: Six weeks. Whole job.
Vin: Well, that's ridiculous. You heard of anything?
Chris: Yeah. Below the border shooing flies away from a village. Their village. (indicates Hilario and company)
Vin: Twenty dollars.
Chris: You can come in right now.
Vin: Nah, that wouldn't even pay for my bullets.
Hilario: Ours is a poor village.
Miguel: We understand. You can make much more as a grocery clerk. And it's good, steady work.
Chris: Yeah.
Vin: How many you got?
[Chris holds up one finger; Vin shakes his head and holds up two fingers.]
View Quote Tomás: Only the dead are without fear.
View Quote [Britt has just dropped an escaping bandit with a single long-range pistol shot.]
Chico: Oh... that was the greatest shot I've ever seen!
Britt: The worst. I was aiming at the horse.
View Quote
Lee: You need men for a job down in Mexico.
Chris: That's right.
Lee: How long?
Chris: Four, six weeks.
Lee: How much does the job pay?
Chris: I thought you were looking for the Johnson brothers.
Lee: I found them. How much does the job pay?
Chris: Twenty. We leave tomorrow.
View Quote [The Seven return from a raid to find Calvera's men holding the village.]
Calvera: You should not be surprised. My good friend Sotero, he, ah, arranged for them to come in. Comprende? Well, anyway, to business. I could kill you all. You agree? (a long pause) Well, you don't disagree. Anyway, I don't want to kill you.
Chris Adams: Why so generous?
Calvera: Practical. They hear about it up north, maybe some friends of yours make more trouble for me -- a man who never wants no trouble. We, ah, have a saying here: "A thief who steals from a thief is pardoned for one hundred years." All right, what does that leave? Only one thing. I pardon you. Ride on.
Chris: Just like that? (snaps fingers)
Calvera: Si, just like that! (snaps fingers) I'll make it easy for you. You want food? (to henchmen) Give them food. Water? All right, water. Horses? Saddled and waiting. Guns? Your guns, your gunbelts you take off and you put here, now.
Calvera: What I can't understand is why a man like you took this job in the first place. Why, huh?
Chris: I wonder myself.
Calvera: Oh, come on, come on. Tell me why.
Vin: Fella I once knew in El Paso, one day he took all his clothes off and jumped in a mess of cactus. So I asked him the same question. "Why?"
Calvera: And?
Vin: He said it seemed to be a good idea at the time.
Calvera: Go get your clothes, your saddlebags. Anything you want, take. Your friends in there owe you at least that much.
View Quote Sotero: Neighbors, I drink to our friends. They armed us, fought at our side, and will forever live in our hearts.
View Quote [Calvera's men have escorted the Seven well outside the village and tossed their guns on the ground.]
Britt: Nobody throws me my own guns and says ride on. Nobody. (puts his gunbelt back on)
Vin: Took me a long time to learn my elbow from a hat rack. Right now, I belong in that border town, sleeping on white sheets. (puts his gunbelt on) But I'll ride back to that village.
Harry Luck: You're crazy. all of you! They won't lift a finger to help. Think of the odds!
O'Reilly': Harry, nobody's asking you to go back.
Chris Adams: Ride on, Harry. It's all right.
Harry: You bet your sweet life I will! (grabs his gear and mounts) Come on, Lee. If they want to get killed, let 'em.
Chris: Go ahead, Lee. You don't owe anything to anybody.
Lee: Except to myself. (dismounts and puts his guns on)
Harry: You're crazy! ALL of you!