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The Hustler

The Hustler quotes

54 total quotes

Bert Gordon
Eddie Felson
Sarah Packard

View Quote Eddie: The name's Eddie.
Sarah: The name should be Eddie. What should my name be?
Eddie: I don't know. Whatever you'd like it to be?
Sarah: I'd like it to be what it is, Sarah. That's a Biblical name. You wanna know it's meaning?
View Quote When I'm drunk, I lie...Look, I've got troubles and I think maybe you've got troubles. Maybe it'd be better if we just leave each other alone.
View Quote Eddie: That's my bank roll, my life's savings. Whatsa matter Fats? All you gotta do is beat me the first game and I'm on my way back to Oakland.
Minnesota Fats: Let's go.
Eddie: Get on me, Bert, I can't lose.
View Quote I didn't ask him, 'Can he beat ya?' I already know he can beat ya. I asked him, 'Will he?' To Eddie, that's two different things.
View Quote It will be a lot of laughs. Findlay's parties are famous. He invites everybody from top to bottom. From high society to every town hustler and tramp in town. It's another way he has of getting his kicks. It excites him to be around what he calls the criminal type. Some men are like that. Some women too.
View Quote [to Eddie, about Sarah] She come in here Eddie and asked me for a drink. I give her one. We had a few more. Eddie, she came in here.
View Quote Sarah: How did you know my name is Sarah?
Eddie: You told me last night.
Sarah: I always lie when I drink.
Eddie: Okay, so what is your name today?
Sarah: Sarah.
View Quote [to Eddie] James Findlay is a very rich man. His grandfather left him twenty-five percent of his tobacco company...He's a gentleman. Gentlemen gamble. He gets his kicks playin' a hustler. He's got an old Southern mansion with a pool table in the basement, drinks eight year-old bourbon, smokes a hawk-tipped cigarette...I never saw him play. They say he's one of the best...I've got confidence in Findlay...That means I've got confidence that he's a loser, all the way a loser. You happen to be about only one-half loser, the other half winner.
View Quote I've been living here almost three years. Now in three days, it seems as if I know everybody. I pass people on the street. I want to stop them and say, 'Listen, I got a fella.'