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Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind quotes

103 total quotes

Ashley Wilkes
Gerald O'Hara
Multiple Characters
Rhett Butler
Scarlett O'Hara
Title Cards

View Quote Thank heaven I'm not that modest.
View Quote Prissy: But I's skeered a' cows!
View Quote Pork: Great Gee-hossefat!
View Quote Rene Picard: Twenty dollars. Twenty dollars for Miss Maybelle Merriwether.
Tony Fontaine: Twenty five dollars for Miss Fanny Elsing.
Dr. Meade: Only twenty five dollars to give?
Rhett: One hundred and fifty dollars in gold.
Dr. Meade: For what lady, sir?
Rhett: For Mrs. Charles Hamilton.
Dr. Meade: For whom, sir?
Rhett: Mrs. Charles Hamilton.
Dr. Meade: Mrs. Hamilton is in mourning, Captain Butler. But I'm sure any of our Atlanta belles would be proud to...
Rhett: Dr. Meade, I said Mrs. Charles Hamilton.
Dr. Meade: She will not consider it, sir.
Scarlett: Oh, yes, I will.
Rhett: We sort of shocked the Confederacy, Scarlett.
Scarlett: It's a little like blockade-running, isn't it?
Rhett: It's worse. I expect a very fancy profit out of it.
View Quote [Rhett rescues Scarlett from the panicked streets of Atlanta as war approaches]
Rhett: Panic's a pretty sight, isn't it? We belong together, Scarlett. Let's get out of here together. No use staying here, letting the South come down around your ears. Too many nice places to go and visit. Mexico, London, Paris -
Scarlett: With you?
Rhett: Yes, ma'am. A man who understands you and admires you for just what you are. I figure we belong together, being the same sort. I've been waiting for you to grow up and get that sad-eyed Ashley Wilkes out of your heart....Are you going with me or are you getting out?
Scarlett: I hate and despise you, Rhett Butler. I'll hate and despise you till I die.
Rhett: [amused] Oh no you won't, Scarlett. Not that long.
View Quote Now isn't this better than sitting at a table? A girl hasn't got but two sides to her at the table.
View Quote You still think you're the Belle of the county don't you? That you're the cutest little trick in shoe leather and that every man you meet is dying of love for you.
View Quote Melly, what a cool liar you are!
View Quote Oh yassum you is! You is gonna eat ever mouthful!
View Quote [to Ashley] Dreams, dreams always dreams with you, never common sense.
View Quote Well, what difference does it make who you marry - so long as he's a Southerner and thinks like you?
View Quote Yankee Major: [about Rhett] It's hard to be strict with a man who loses money so pleasantly.
View Quote Observe my hands my dear...I could tear you to pieces with them. And I'd do it if it'd take Ashley out of your mind forever. But it wouldn't. So I'll remove him from your mind this way: I'll put my hands so, one on each side of your head, and I'll smash your skull between them like a walnut. And that'll block him out.
View Quote Prissy: Mammy, here's Miss Scarlet's vittles.
Scarlett: You can take it all back to the kitchen; I won't eat a bite.
Mammy: Yes'm you is, you's gonna eat every mouthful of this.
Scarlett: [through clenched teeth] No... I'm... NOT!
View Quote I've always thought a good lashing with a buggy whip would benefit you immensely.