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Father of the Bride

Father of the Bride quotes

34 total quotes

George Banks

View Quote Nina: Is something going on?
Annie: Yes, it is, Mom...uh...God, this is a hard thing to tell parents...especially when you're my parents...Oh, God!
George: Honey, just say it. What's the big deal?
Matt: Yeah.
Annie: Okay! I met somebody in Rome. Um, he's an American. Uh, he's from L.A., actually. And um, his name's Brian MacKenzie. And he's this completely wonderful, wonderful, amazing man, and...well, we starting seeing each other, a lot...and, um...we fell in love. Ha! Ha! It actually happened! And, uh, we've decided to get married...which means that, I'm engaged! Ha! I'm engaged! I'm getting married! HA!
Matt: Congratulations!
Annie: Thank you.
Nina: Oh! My! My! Oh, so, oh my...and that's your engagement ring, huh? bought it from said that it's at least a hundred years old...So, Dad. Stop it. Say something.
George: I'm sorry. What did you say?
Young Annie: Dad, I met a man in Rome. And he's wonderful and brilliant, and we're getting married.
Annie: Mom, what's he doing?
Nina: George? George? George? What is it?
George: Well...this is...this is ridiculous! You're too young to get married!
Annie: Too young? Dad, I'm twenty-two. If I'm not mistaken, that's a year older than Mom was when you guys got married.
George: That is absolutely not true!
Nina: Oh,'re absolutely wrong.
George: You were this age when I married you?
Nina: No. I was younger. I was this age when she was born.
George: That...that doesn't matter. Times have changed. Your mother was mature...and twenty-two isn't what it used to be...Matt, would you turn on the air conditioner? It's hot in here. I thought...I thought you didn't believe in marriage. I thought it meant a woman lost her identity. I thought you wanted to get a job before you settled down so you could earn money and be your own person.
Annie: All right, hold on. I didn't think I believed in marriage until I met Brian. Brian's not like any other guy I've ever known. I want to be married to him. And I'm not going to lose my identity with him because he's not some overpowering, macho guy. He's like you, Dad! Except he's brilliant. He happens to love that I'm going to be an architect. He wants me to design a house for us to live in. He said he'd move anywhere I got a job. Give me a little credit, George. I'm not going to marry some ape who wants me to wear go-go boots and an apron. I'm telling you, you'll love him. He's a genius. And sweet. And I love him more than anything in the world.
Nina: What does Brian do?
George: Who's Brian?
Nina: Oh!
George: I forgot his name!
Annie: He's an independent communications consultant.
George: Independent?
Annie: Yes.
George: That's code for unemployed! This is perfect! You meet an unemployed, amazingly brilliant non-ape that I'm going to have to support! I suppose I'm going to have to hire him and fire some hard working guy with three kids because my son-in-law, the "independent communications consultant," can't get a job anywhere else! No wonder he'll move anywhere you get a job! You're not getting married and that's it and that's final! And I don't like you calling me George! I mean, when did this start?
Annie: Daddy, what is wrong with you? [runs out]
George: What? Are you telling me you're happy about this?
Nina: George, please. Would you stop acting like a lunatic father and go out and talk to her before she runs out that door, marries this kid and we never see her again!
George: All right. Kid? How do you know he's a kid? He could be forty-five years old.
View Quote Annie: An independent communications consultant does not mean he's an unemployable non-ape. Brian happens to be a computer genius. Companies send him all over the world hooking up these complex systems. Major banks and corporations send him to Tokyo and Brazil and Geneva. He's a genius.
George: You mentioned that. How old is this genius?
Annie: Twenty-six, not forty-five. You guys still think I can't hear you when you're one room away.
George: If you love him so much, I know I'll love him, too.
View Quote Brian: I've heard so much about you. It's great to finally meet you, sir!
George: [voiceover] "Sir." Two words now crossed my mind: "brown" and "nose."
View Quote Brian: Good night. Good night, Mr. Banks.
Annie: Oh, you can call him George. Or Dad!
George: George will be fine.
Brian: Okay. I'll say it next time I see you.
George: Drive carefully. And don't forget to fasten your condom.
Annie: Dad!
George: Seat belt! I meant...I meant seat belt.
Nina: Honey, I'm putting your father to bed. This has been a very big night for him.
View Quote George: It'll never last.
Nina: Wanna bet?
George: Nina. Annie's much too spirited for this kid. He's totally wrong for her. I give it two months, tops. One month.
Nina: This is the right guy for Annie, George. I'm tellin' you, I feel it in my bones. I mean, we're two lucky parents, George.
George: Lucky? Oh! What about his laugh? It was such a give away. It was so phony with his "Ha! Ha! Ha! Hee! Hee! Hee!"
Nina: I thought it was totally sincere.
George: Oh, please. What about that little rehearsed speech he gave that was right out of a book. "How to Grease Your Future Mother-In-Law."
Nina: You're off here, George, really. I thought it was completely from his heart. Why do you think I cried?
George: Good question. I don't know why either of you cried. I'm losing my voice. Are my glands swollen?
Nina: Let me see. No. No, honey. No.
George: And what about the way he kept touching her?
Nina: What do you mean?
George: What do you mean, what do I mean? He couldn't keep his hands off of her.
Nina: Oh, yes...kind of like when we were engaged, except that wasn't all you couldn't keep off me.
George: That was different. And we certainly never acted that way in your parent's house.
Nina: Oh! You want me to name all the rooms we did it in at my parent's house?
George: That was different. We were like two imbeciles. This is our child we're talking about.
Nina: Our child? Oh, George. You know, I still think you see Annie as a seven year-old girl in pigtails!
George: Well, you know? That just shows how you much you know about me because that is not at all how I see her. Right...a seven year-old with pigtails. I mean, here's the thing. We have no idea who this Brian really is.
Nina: Oh?
George: And if that's his real name. I mean, who knows? You know, maybe he already has a wife. You read about these cases everyday. Men who have wives and families stashed all across the country. He could be a professional con artist who meets innocents abroad, and gives them this song and dance about being an independent...whatever that was...and then skips out after bilking them for all they're worth. What are you doing?
Nina: I'm getting ready for bed.
George: Then I suppose that you're not interested that I believe I remember seeing someone who looked like Brian's twin on "America's Most Wanted"?
Nina: You're right. I'm not. George? George, I thought he was great. I liked him a lot. And I'm really happy...George...Would you please stop making that face? And I'm very happy for Annie. And I'm excited for her. This is a big deal and I think that we should at least hug. This is great news. Oh! A wedding! Father of the Bride. Can you believe it?
View Quote George: I don't know why we have to have brunch with total strangers.
Nina: Because their son is marrying our daughter and it's not an unusual custom meeting the in-laws.
George: You know, that's another thing. I hate that expression, "in-laws." What does it mean, anyway? We're legally bound to these people? I don't want to be "in-lawed." Especially to people who live in Bel-Air. I mean, what kind of people have brunch and live in Bel-Air?
Nina: Rich people.
George: They probably live in the one shack in the middle of all these mansions.
Nina: Nice mood, George.
George: What? I'm in a good mood.
Nina: Okay, I think this is it. Yeah...Nice shack, babe.
George: Worse. It's the biggest house on the street. Now we're related to pretentious snobs. Just what we need.
View Quote John: Oh, what a nerve-wracking thing, meeting your future in-laws. What a relief. You two look perfectly normal.
Nina: Oh, well, I am.
View Quote John: How did you...uh...take the news, George?
George: Me? Uh, truthfully, I was a little surprised.
John: I was shocked.
George: So was I.
John: After all, they'd only known each other a few months.
George: Exactly. And Annie is just finishing up school.
John: Absolutely. Oh, believe me, I tossed and turned over this one, but...the bottom line is, they're in love. They over twenty-one, and whether they're rushing into this or not is maybe not for us to say.
George: [voiceover] Right. Not for us to say. We're only their parents. I was just about to say these very words out loud when he hit me with...
John: Yes, sooner or later you just have to let your kids go and hope you brought 'em up right.
George: [voiceover] This guy was making a little too much sense for me. Suddenly, my shirt collar felt like it was starting to strangle me.
View Quote George: The reason I'm asking all these questions is I have a great idea where we can have this lovely, not small, but not too big wedding.
Nina: You do? Where?
George: At our favorite restaurant. The place we've been eating at for fifteen years. The best. The Steak Pit!
Annie: Dad, get serious.
Matt: I don't think you want the word "Pit" on a wedding invitation, George.
Annie: Really, Dad. A rib joint with sawdust on the floor isn't exactly what I had in mind for my wedding. No offense.
View Quote Nina: Why have you been acting so crazy since the moment Annie told you she was getting married?
George: I haven't been acting crazy. I've simply been acting like any normal, red-blooded, American dad.
Nina: Normal? Uh-huh. Okay. Falling into the MacKenzie's pool. Suggesting The Steak Pit as a wedding reception. Oh, watching "America's Most Wanted" every night looking for Brian's face, and now this picnic scenario? George, a wedding is a big deal. Everybody seems to understand this but you.
View Quote George: My first move was to get the old tuxedo out of mothballs. [loking in mirror] Hey, lookin' good, my man! Git down! Hey! [singing] What's new pussycat...whoa-a-whoa-whoa...What's new pussycat...whoa-a-whoa-whoa...
Nina: George? Annie, he's up here!
George: Hey...Pussycat, pussycat, I love you...Indeed I do...Yes I do! Hey, what do you think? Bought it in '75 and it still fits.
Annie: Like a glove.
Nina:'s just a...way to go. Maybe...maybe you could get a new tux. We're all wearing new clothes and...
George: What? Don't you think I look cute? I mean, there will be a lot of single gals there.
View Quote Stock boy: Excuse me, sir, but what are you doing?
George: I'll tell you what I'm doing. I want to buy eight hot dogs and eight hot dog buns to go with them. But no one sells eight hot dog buns. They only sell twelve hot dog buns. So I end up paying for four buns I don't need. So I am removing the superfluous buns.
Stock boy: I'm sorry, sir. But you're going to have to pay for all twelve buns. They're not marked individually.
George: Yeah. And you want to know why? Because some big-shot over at the wiener company got together with some big-shot over at the bun company and decided to rip off the American public. Because they think the American public is a bunch of trusting nit-wits who will pay for everything they don't need rather than make a stink!
Manager: Get me security.
George: Well, they're not ripping off this nit-wit anymore because I'm not paying for one more thing I don't need! George Banks is saying no!
Stock boy: Who's George Banks?
George: Me!
Manager: Why don't we just calm down now, sir.
George: I'll tell you why "we" don't calm down, because you're not excited! It takes two people for a "we" to calm down, doesn't it?
Manager: Uh, that I don't know, sir. I'm just the assistant manager of a supermarket. But I'll tell you this. If you don't pipe down and pay for those buns, I'm going to call the police.
George: Oh...right! Yeah! Uh-huh. Yeah. Right!
View Quote Nina: Ah! I'm going to have to ask you not to talk or I'll have to call Officer whatshisname over there. You've been more than I can handle, George. Annie's wedding is not a conspiracy against you. It's just a wedding. People have them every day in every country in the world. I know it's going to be expensive. But, we don't go to Europe. We don't own fancy cars. I don't own expensive jewelry, so we can afford to have a big wedding.
George: Nina...
Nina: I'll get you out of here on one condition, Banks. That you'll agree to the following. Now repeat after me. "I, George Stanley Banks..."
George: I, George Stanley Banks...
Nina: "...promise to pull it together and act my age."
George: ...promise to pull it together and act my age.
Nina: "I will stop hyperventilating, rolling my eyes, unbuttoning my top collar button..."
George: I don't unbutton my top collar...
Nina: Oh, yeah? No...You mean, like this bit?
George: ...stop hyperventilating, rolling my eyes, and unbuttoning my top collar button.
Nina: "I will stop making faces in general and I will definitely stop telling everybody how much this wedding is costing."
George: I don't tell everyone how much it costs!
Nina: He told you, right?
Officer: Two hundred and fifty a head?
George: Oh, well, thanks!
Nina: "I will try to remember my daughter's feelings and how with every roll of my eyes, I am taking away a piece of her happiness."
George: I love you, Nina.
Nina: Just repeat the last part for me, George.
George: I will try to remember my daughter's feelings and how with every roll of my eyes, I am taking away a piece of her happiness.
Nina: I love you, too. Let's go home.
View Quote George: [voiceover] Not only was I not getting rid of the kid, I now found myself talking him into staying. [to Brian] You know, Brian...Annie is a very passionate person and passionate people tend to overreact at times. Annie comes from a long line of major overreactors. Me. I can definitely lose it. My mother...a nut. My grandfather...stories about him are legendary. The good news, however, is that this overreacting tends to get proportionately less by generation, so your kids could be normal. [voiceover] As if that wasn't enough, I went on! [to Brian] But on the upside, with this passion comes great spirit and individuality which is probably one of the reasons you love Annie.
Brian: That's what I love most about her.
George: [voiceover] That's when it hit me like a Mac truck. Annie was just like me, and Brian was just like Nina. They were a perfect match.
View Quote George: Matty. I'm sorry if I've been preoccupied lately with this wedding.
Matt: It's okay.
George: Yeah, but I have, haven't I?
Matt: It's all right. I understand.
George: Yeah, but ...
Matt: Yeah, you have. But I haven't felt ignored or anything. Don't worry, Dad. No permanent damage done.
George: Well, good.