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Dogville quotes

237 total quotes

Chapter EIGHT
Chapter FIVE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter NINE
Chapter ONE
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter SIX
Chapter THREE
Chapter TWO
Quotes about Dogville

View Quote All I see, is a beautiful little town in the midst of magnificent mountains. A place where people have hopes and dreams even under the hardest conditions... If this is the town you that love, then you really have a strange way of showing it. All I see, is a beautiful little town in the midst of magnificent mountains. A place where people have hopes and dreams even under the hardest conditions. And seven figurines that are not awful at all. Grace
View Quote This town is rotten from the inside out and I wouldn't miss it, if it fell into the gorge tomorrow. I see no charm here, but you seem to. Admit it you've fallen for Dogville. The trees, the mountains, the simple folk. And if all that ain't got you fooled yet, I bet the cinnamon has. That damned cinnamon in those gooseberry pies. Dogville has everything that you ever dreamed of in the big city. Chuck
View Quote These are wicked times, Tom Edison. Soon there'll be folks by with even less than us. Chuck
View Quote It's a pity that the political point-scoring at Cannes, admittedly fired up by Von Trier's provocateur stance, has diminished the perception of Dogville's artistic worth. Dogville is daunting, non-naturalistic and bold. Von Trier has denied it was intended as an antithesis of Billy Wilder's Our Town; his concerns in the film are bigger than America-bashing. It's a moral parable for our times. Mary Colbert
View Quote I went to Mr. McKay. I went to Martha and to Chuck and Vera's, and nobody seems to need any help. They all think everyone else needs something, and not themselves. Grace
View Quote Tell her you will stop if she can hold back her tears. I owe her that. I'm afraid she cries a little too easily. Grace
View Quote Please don't disappear, Tom. I need you. Grace
View Quote Grace had friends in Dogville. That was for sure. Whether they were few or many did not matter a jot. Grace had bared her throat to the town and it had responded with a great gift: with friends. No gangster could deprive her of this meeting with the township no matter how many guns in the world. And should the strokes of the bell not reach 15, she knew now that she meant something to the town and that her stay had been of significance. Not much, perhaps, but nevertheless, a trace she had left. And the first in her young life in which she took pride.
View Quote I really don't want to put any of you in jeopardy. Grace
View Quote Tom could have spent another half hour or more on the bench, but another unusual noise roused him. It was Moses barking. Oh, that wasn't unusual in itself, but it was the way he barked that was new. His barking was not loud, but more of a snarl, as if the danger was quite close at hand and not merely a passing raccoon or fox. As if the dog were standing face to face with a force to be taken seriously.
View Quote Knowing the exact time to harvest is the greatest art of all, Chuck had said, and the time had come. For the apples and for Grace.
View Quote Jason gave that mutt a bone with meat on it? When did we last see meat? Next time you waste good food I'll take your knife away. Oughta known it was you giv'n meat to eat. Moses was meant to be hungry! To keep watch. Chuck
View Quote Daunting, non-naturalistic and bold. Mary Colbert in Boxoffice Magazine
View Quote Has rarely been far from my mind in the 10 months following Cannes, during which time it has grown only richer, deeper and more complex than I initially estimated. Scott Foundas in L.A. Weekly
View Quote In which Grace follows Tom's plan and embarks upon physical labour
This first day of spring had also been picked to be Grace's first ever day of work. The day in which she was to set off around Dogville and offer herself one hour per household per day.