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The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow quotes

54 total quotes

Jack Hall
Terry Rapson

View Quote Neither one of you knows how to navigate worth a damn. Without me you'll end up in Cleveland.
View Quote Luther: Just another typical day in New York City. Traffic jam ten blocks long! Lookie here, Buddha. These people, and their cars, and their exhaust, and they're just polluting the atmosphere!
View Quote FOX Anchorwoman: What you're seeing is what's left of downtown Los Angeles
View Quote Booker: The Canadians are reporting tremendous circulation moving down from the Arctic. In Siberia, there's a low pressure system unlike anything we've ever seen, and Australia just saw the strongest typhoon ever recorded
View Quote Helicopter Pilot: [Trying to restart plummeting helicopter] Come on, you bastard! Come on!
View Quote NY Businessman: [Sarcastically] Oh, God, I love busses. This is just so much fun. This is going to be… the bomb.
View Quote Reporter: And now, in a dramatic reversal of illegal immigration, thousands of people are now crossing the Rio Grande into Mexico. The scene that's unfolding here behind me is one of desperation and frustration. People have abandoned their cars, grabbed their belongings, and they are wading across the river illegally into Mexico.
View Quote Frank: [After falling through the ceiling of an indoor mall.] I'm fine! Just dropped in to do a little shopping.
View Quote Judith: Books can be good for something other than burning.
View Quote Parker: Have you ever seen the air so clear?
View Quote Jack Hall: What I do know, is that if we do not act soon, it is our children and our grandchildren who will have to pay the price.
Vice President Becker: And who's going to pay the price of the Kyoto accord? It would cost the world's economy hundreds of billions of dollars.
Jack Hall: With all due respect, Mr. Vice President, the cost of doing nothing could be even higher. Our climate is fragile. At the rate we're burning fossil fuels and polluting the environment, the ice caps will soon disappear.
Vice President Becker: Professor, uh, Hall, our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment. Perhaps you should keep that in mind before making sensationalist claims.
Jack Hall: Well, the last chunk of ice that broke off was about the size of the state of Rhode Island. Some people might call that pretty sensational.
View Quote Lucy Hall: Can you take him to the airport in the morning?
Jack Hall: Sam's getting on a plane?
Lucy Hall: He joined the scholastic decathlon team. They're competing in New York.
Jack Hall: Sam joined a team?
Lucy Hall: [Quietly] Yeah, I think there's a girl involved.
[Sam groans.]
View Quote Jack Hall: My seventeen-year-old kid knows more science than him
Tom: Perhaps, but your seventeen-year-old kid does not control our budget. It doesn't matter if he hates you.
View Quote Jack Hall: [On Sam failing calculus] I'm not angry. I'm disappointed.
Sam: Do you wanna hear my side of it?
Jack Hall: Sam, how can there be two sides?
Sam: Hey, look, I got every question right on the final and the only reason why Mr. Spengler failed me was because I didn't write out the solutions.
Jack: Why not?
Sam: I do them in my head.
Jack Hall: Did you tell him that?
Sam: I did. He didn't believe me. He said that if he can't do them in his head then I must be cheating.
Jack Hall: Well, that's ridiculous! How can he fail you for being smarter than he is?
Sam: That's what I said.
Jack Hall: You did? [Smirks] How'd he take it?
Sam: He flunked me, remember?
View Quote Brian: You know, statistically, the chance of a plane going down because of turbulence is less than, what, one in a billion? Or is it a million? I can't remember if it's
Laura: Shut up, Brian.