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Back to the Future

Back to the Future quotes

88 total quotes

Biff Tannen
Doc Brown
Marty McFly
Multiple Characters

View Quote Hello? Hello? Anybody home, huh, Think, McFly! Think! I gotta have time to get it retyped. Do you realize what what would happen if I handed in my reports in your handwriting? I'll get fired. You wouldn't want that to happen would ya? WOULD YA?!
View Quote Not too early, I sleep in Saturday/Sunday...oh, McFly your shoe's untied! Don't be so gullible, McFly!
View Quote (1985 Biff) Well, what are you looking at, butthead? Say "hi" to your mom for me.
View Quote What are you looking at, Butthead?
View Quote Campaign van (in 1985): Re-elect mayor Goldie Wilson! Progress is his middle name. Mayor Wilson's progress platform means more jobs, better education, bigger civic improvements and lower taxes! On election day, cast your vote for a proven leader...
View Quote Campaign car (in 1955): Re-elect mayor Red Thomas! Progress is his middle name. Mayor Thomas' progress platform means more jobs, better education, bigger civic improvements and lower taxes! On election day, cast your vote for a proven leader...
View Quote Old Man Peabody: MY PINE, why you... [shoots time machine, but misses, hitting mailbox instead] You space bastard! YOU KILLED MY PINE!!!
View Quote Jukebox in Lou's Cafe: (Singing) Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, kilt him a b'ar, when he was only three. Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier!
View Quote George: Lou, gimme a milk, chocolate!
View Quote George: [to Lorraine] I'm your density. [Pauses, checks note]...destiny.
View Quote Lorraine: "Marty". Such a nice name.
View Quote Marty: [After being blown backwards by a large speaker] You know, Doc, you left your equipment on all week.
Doc Brown: My equipment? That reminds me Marty, you'd better not hook up to the amplifier. There's a slight possibility of overload.
Marty: Yeah... I'll keep that in mind.
View Quote Jennifer: Okay, come on, I think we're safe.
Marty: You know, this time it wasn't my fault. The Doc said all his clocks were twenty-five minutes slow -
Mr. Strickland: "Doc"!? Am I to understand you're still hanging around with Dr. Emmett Brown, McFly? [clicks with his mouth, gives Jennifer a tardy slip] Tardy slip for you, Miss Parker. [gives Marty one, too] And one for you, McFly. I believe that makes four in a row. Now let me give you a nickel's worth of free advice, young man. This so-called Dr. Brown is dangerous, he's a real nut case. You hang around with him, you're gonna end up in big trouble.
Marty: [smart-alecky] Oh, yes, sir.
Mr. Strickland: [pushes Marty a little bit] You got a real attitude problem, McFly. You're a slacker! You remind me of you father when he went here. He was a slacker too.
Marty: Can I go now, Mr. Strickland?
Mr. Strickland: I noticed your band is on the roster for the dance auditions after school today. Why even bother, McFly? You don't have a chance, you're too much like your old man. No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley!
Marty: Yeah, well, history is gonna change.
View Quote Woman: Save the clock tower! Save the clock tower! Mayor Wilson is sponsoring an initiative to replace that clock. Thirty years ago, lightning struck that clock tower and the clock hasn't run since. We at the Hill Valley Preservation Society think it should be preserved exactly the way it is as part of our history and heritage -
Marty: Here you go, lady. Here's a quarter.
Woman: Thank you. Don't forget to take a flyer. (going off into distance) Save the clock tower!...
View Quote Linda: Hey, Marty. I'm not your answering service. While you were outside pouting about the car; Jennifer Parker called you twice.
Lorraine: I don't like her, Marty. Any girl who just calls up a boy is just asking for trouble.
Linda: Oh, Mom, there's nothing wrong with calling a boy.
Lorraine: I think it's terrible! Girls chasing boys. When I was your age I never chased a boy or called a boy or sat in a parked car with a boy.
Linda: Then how am I supposed to ever meet anybody?
Lorraine: Well, it will just happen, like the way I met your father.
Linda: That was so stupid! Grandpa hit him with the car.
Lorraine: It was meant to be. Anyway, if grandpa hadn't hit him, then none of you would have been born.
Linda: Yeah, well, I still don't see what Dad was doing in the middle of the street.
Lorraine: What was it, George? Birdwatching?
George: What Lorraine? What?
Lorraine: Anyway, your grandfather hit him with the car and brought him into the house. He seemed so helpless, like a little lost puppy, and my heart just went out to him -
Linda: Yeah, Mom, we know! You told us the story a million times. You felt sorry for him so you decided to go with him to the Fish Under the Sea Dance.
Lorraine: No, No. It was the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance. Our first date. I'll never forget it. It was the night of that terrible thunderstorm, remember, George? Your father kissed me for the very first time on that dance floor and it was then that I realized that I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.