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Young Frankenstein

Young Frankenstein quotes

52 total quotes

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein
Inspector Kemp
Multiple Characters

View Quote A riot is an ungly thing... undt, I tink, that it is chust about time ve had vun.
View Quote Let's all go have some sponge cake and a little wine...[his mechanical arm slips off] und shit.
View Quote Vwe had bedder be DAMN sure that ze young Doctor is inderd wallowing in his grandvazzer's vootshteps.
View Quote [seeing The Monster's genitals] Oh my God. Woof.
View Quote [as The Monster begins having sex with her] Oh! Oh! No! Too big! Oh! Oh!...[sings] Ah! Sweet mystery of life at last I've found you!
View Quote [After sex with The Monster] Oh. Where you going?... Oh, you men are all alike. Seven or eight quick ones and then you're out with the boys to boast and brag. YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Oh... I think I love him.
View Quote Inga: Hallo. Vould you like a roll in ze hay? It's fun. [she begins rolling in the hay] Roll, roll, roll in ze hay.
View Quote The Monster: For as long as I can remember people have hated me. They looked at my face and my body and they ran away in horror. In my loneliness I decided that if I could not inspire love, which is my deepest hope, I would instead cause fear. I live because this poor half-crazed genius, has given me life. He alone held an image of me as something beautiful and then, when it would have been easy enough to stay out of danger, he used his own body as a guinea pig to give me a calmer brain and a somewhat more sophisticated way of expressing myself.
View Quote Medical Student: Dr. Frankenstein?
Dr. Frankenstein: My name is "Fronkenshteen."
Medical Student: Dr. "Fronkenschteen" isn't it true that Darwin preserved a piece of vermicelli in a glass case until, by some extrordinary means, it actually began to move with voluntary motion?
Dr. Frankenstein: Are you speaking of the worm or the spaghetti?
[the class laughs]
Medical Student: Why, the worm, sir.
Dr. Frankenstein: Yes, I did read something of that incident when I was a student, but you have to remember that a worm... with very few exceptions... is not a human being.
Medical Student: But wasn't that the whole basis of your grandfather's work? The reanimation of dead tissue?
Dr. Frankenstein: My grandfather was a very sick man.
Medical Student: But as a "Fronkenshteen" aren't you the least bit curious? Doesn't the bringing to life what was once dead hold any interest for you?
Dr. Frankestein: You are talking about the non-sensical ravings of a lunatic mind; dead is dead!
Student: But look at what has been done with hearts and kidneys...
Dr. Frankenstein: [starting to shout] Hearts and kidneys are TINKER-TOYS!! I'm talking about the central nervous system!!
Student: But, sir...
Dr. Frankenstein: I am a scientist, not a philosopher! [picks up a scalpel] You have a better chance of re-animating this SCALPEL then you would of mending broken nervous tissue!
Student: But what about your grandfather's work?
Dr. Frankenstein: MY GRANDFATHER'S WORK WAS DOO-DOO!!! I am not interested in death! The only thing that concerns me IS THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE!!!
[in his anger, Dr. Frankenstein stabs himself in the leg with the scalpel, grimaces, then crosses his legs]
Dr. Frankenstein:!
View Quote Dr. Frankenstein: You know, I'm a rather brilliant surgeon. Perhaps I can help you with that hump.
Igor: What hump?
View Quote Frau Blücher: Would the doctor care for a brandy before retiring?
Dr. Frankenstein: No. Thank you.
Frau Blücher: Some varm milk... perhaps?
Dr. Frankenstein: No. Thank you very much. No thanks.
Frau Blücher: Ovaltine?
Dr. Frankenstein: NOTHING! Thank you. I'm a little tired.
Frau Blücher: Then I vill say... goodnight.
Dr. Frankenstein: Goodnight.
View Quote Igor: You know, I'll never forget my old dad. When these things would happen to him... the things he'd say to me.
Dr. Frankenstein: What did he say?
Igor: "What the hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night? Why don't you get out of there and give someone else a chance?"
View Quote Dr. Frankenstein: That music...
Frau Blücher: Yes. It's in your blood - it's in the blood of ALL Frankensteins. It reaches the soul when words are useless. Your grandfather used to play it to the creature HE vas making.
Dr. Frankenstein: Then it was you all the time.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: You played that music in the middle of the night...
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: get us to the laboratory.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: That was YOUR cigar smoldering in the ashtray.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: And it was you... who left my grandfather's book out for me to find.
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: So that I would...
Frau Blücher: Yes.
Dr. Frankenstein: Then you and Victor were...
Frau Blücher: YES. YES. Say it. He vas my... BOYFRIEND.
View Quote Dr. Frankenstein: For the experiment to be a success, all of the body parts must be enlarged.
Inga: His veins, his feet, his hands, his organs vould all have to be increased in size.
Dr. Frankenstein: Precisely.
Inga: [her eyes get wide] He vould have an enormous schwanzschtücker.
Dr. Frankenstein: [ponders this a moment] That goes without saying.
Inga: Voof.
Igor: He's going to be very popular.
View Quote Dr. Frankenstein: Are you ready?
Igor: Are you sure this is how they did it?
Dr. Frankenstein: Yes! It's all written down in the notes! Now tie off the kites and hurry down as fast as you can!
Igor: What's the hurry?
Dr. Frankenstein: There's a possibility of electrocution! Do you understand?
[no answer]
Dr. Frankenstein: [shouts] I said, there is a possibility of electrocution! Do you understand?
Igor: [suddenly appearing next to Dr. Frankenstein] I understand. I understand. Why are you shouting?