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Yellow Submarine

Yellow Submarine quotes

55 total quotes

Chief Blue Meanie
George Harrison
Jeremy Hillary Boob -- the Nowhere Man
John Lennon
Multiple Characters
Paul McCartney
Ringo Starr
Young Fred

View Quote Chief Meanie: Pepperland is a tickle of joy on the blue belly of the universe. It must be scratched. Right, Max?
Max: Yes, Your Blueness.
Chief Meanie: WHAT? We Meanies only take "no" for an answer! Is that understood, Max?
Max: No, Your Blueness!
Chief Meanie: That's better.
View Quote Chief Meanie: Ahh...the hills are alive.
Max: [singing] With the Sound of Music! [gets punched]
View Quote John: It's blue glass.
George: Must be from Kentucky, then.
View Quote Young Fred: Help! Help! Help!
Ringo: No thanks, don't need any.
Young Fred: Won't you please, please help me!
View Quote John: Move over, I'm driving.
George: No, I got here first.
John:I'll drive if you like...
George: No, you sit in the middle.
Ringo: No, I'm sitting in the middle.
John: You said you were driving.
Ringo: I am driving.
George: I'll get in the back, then. [they drive off the screen] [CRASH!]
View Quote [being swallowed by the vacuum monster]
John: The monster's packing in!
Young Fred: By all the sea nymphets! We're losing power!
George: We're being swallowed!
Paul: What should we do?
John: Serve tea?
Paul: Lovely.
View Quote Paul: Groovy! How do you start this thing?
Young Fred: She starts with a Blue Meanie attack.
John: Well... supposing there are no Blue Meanies in the neighbourhood?
Young Fred: Oh, well, then you, um, start looking for a switch.
View Quote Lord Mayor: Four scores and 32 bars ago, our four fathers
Young Fred: A quartet?
Lord Mayor: And four mothers
Young Fred: A Mother quartet?
Lord Mayor: Made their way in this yellow submarine...
Young Fred: What, that little thing?
Lord Mayor: Pepperland.
[The Beatles are shown as their live action selves, after It's All Too Much ends.]
Paul: Catchy tune, that.
Ringo: I can't seem to get it out of my head.
George: Well shake it!
Ringo: That's what we've been doing all night.
George: Oh?
Paul: Yeah, it was a great party.
George: And we brought back lots of lovely souvenirs. [takes out a kite string with a wind-up mistaken for a motor] Here's the motor.
Paul: And I've got a! [the word "love" comes out of his hand]
Ringo: And I've got a hole in my pocket [takes out a fake hole from his pocket]
Paul: A hole?
Ringo: [throws down hole] Well, half a hole anyway. I gave the rest to Jeremy.
George: What can he do with half a hole?
Paul: Fix it to keep his mind from wandering! Ha ha!
Ringo: [noticing John looking through a spyglass] Hey! Look at John, will ya?
Paul: What's the matter, John love? Blue Meanies?
John: Newer and bluer meanies have been sighted within the vicinity of this theater! There's only one way to go out.
George: How's that?
John: Singing!
View Quote ? A pun on the opening line of the John Keats poem Endymion: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."
View Quote ? "Lever-puller" is a pun on "Liverpooler", as Ringo and indeed all the Beatles are. (The usual term for people from Liverpool, England is "Liverpudlian".)