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Vanilla Sky

Vanilla Sky quotes

38 total quotes

Brian Shelby
David Aames
Julie Gianni
Major cast
Rebecca Dearborn
Sofía Serrano

View Quote [David is knocked fiercely over the head with frying pan. He wakes up later. He is puzzled by the presence of Julie.]
David: Who are you?
Julie: I'm Sofia.
David: You are not Sofia.
Julie: I'm Sofia.
David: Whatever.

David:: I wasn't hitting on Sophia.
Brian:: Oh, fine. Whatever you say. I'm crazy. I'm blind.
David:: You're not blind, you're drinking Jack Daniels, and when you drink Jack you start in with that, "Frank Sinatra, she shot me down, give me a cigarette, King of Sad" thing.
Brian:: That I do. Give me a cigarette.
David:: I'll find one.
Brian:: But wait. You're rich and women love you, and I'm from Ohio and I'm drunk. Can I tell you the truth?
David:: Everybody does.
Brian:: I dig her. And I've never said this to you before about any girl, but she could be - could be, could be, could be - the girl of my ****ing dreams.
David:: You're not from Ohio.
Brian:: I know. But if she ****s up our friendship, she can go to hell. I won't allow it. We are bros.
David:: I feel the same way.
Brian:: Sure you do.

David: How 'bout if you help me, unless i'm horning in here.
Sofia: You are, but the food's good.
David: See, I've got this little problem. I've got a stalker.
Sofia: It doesn't sound life threatening.
David: But I need a cover. I need for you to pretend we're having a scintillating conversation, and you are wildly entertained. I know it's tough.
Sofia: I'll improvise.
David: She's across the room and burning a hole in my back now, isn't she?
Sofia: Red dress, strappy shoes? Wow. She's really staring at you.
David: Shit.
Sofia: And she seems to be crying. Less happy. I think she's the saddest girl to ever hold a martini.
View Quote You keep the relationship casual...until the absolute breaking point, and then one evening or afternoon or could be months from now....well, you know how it works
View Quote A new form of me began to take shape. I planned my reemergence like the Normandy invasion. (Sofia, Sofia...) I'll just say it - I did my homework. I read every memo. Thomas Tipp was right: People will read again.
View Quote Because without the bitter, baby, the sweet ain't as sweet.
View Quote Because I am Frank, and Frank must go. I good you bid evening.
View Quote Isn’t that what being young is about, believing secretly that you would be the one person in the history of man that would live forever?
View Quote Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.
View Quote But I just think good things will happen, if you are a good person with a good attitude, don't you think?
View Quote I meant that to be your forehead.
View Quote I good you bid evening.
View Quote Don't you know that when you sleep with someone, your body makes a promise whether you do or not!
View Quote Doc, once you've been driven off a bridge at 80 miles an hour, somehow you don't invite happiness in without a full body search.
View Quote Holy God. This is going to change my life in a zillion different ways. I must be nuts.
View Quote You can do whatever you want with your life, but one day you'll know what love truly is. It's the sour and the sweet. And I know sour, which allows me to appreciate the sweet.
View Quote I lost you when I got in that car.