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Taxi quotes

30 total quotes

Andy Washburn

View Quote Andy : (with fake Cuban accent) You guys are ever in Havana, you give me a call, okay? We'll have some tequila, cerveza. You know? Okay? Mi casco es su casco.
Man: (suspiciously) What part?
Andy: Uh, you ask me where I'm from?
Man: Yeah. What part?
Andy: What part am I from? (stalling) Uh, what part of Havana?
Man: Yeah.
Andy: You now, on the-uh, I live around the corner of uh, uh...Castro Street.
Man: (looks at Andy then at his cohorts) Show's over, pig!
(Shootout begins, Andy and partner flee)
Andy: (to partner, while running down stairs) How can there not be a Castro Street in Cuba? That's insane!

View Quote Belle: Stop playing! You live next door to your mom?
Andy: It makes her feel safe.
Belle: She's must not've seen you in action.

View Quote (after changing from police uniform to everyday clothes) You didn't see my nads, did ya?
View Quote Andy: All I have to go on is the M.O., modus operandi. That's police jargon for-
Belle: (cutting off) I know what it means. And it's not police jargon, it's Latin.
Andy: Right. Whatever. It's both.
View Quote Belle: (to Lieutenant Martha Robbins and FBI Agent Mullins) Ballistic test?! On what? We already know who shot my cab. (referring to Andy) It was that stupid idiot right there with that dumb look on his face.
Andy: That's not fair. Agent Mullins wasn't even on the scene

View Quote Lieutenant Martha Robbins: You drove your wheels through a bodega, and you killed Detective Manuel's parrot.
Andy: Detective Manuel knew what he was risking when he took the parrot on the stakeout.
Lieutenant Martha Robbins: (scoffs) I don't believe you.
Andy: So ridiculous. Of all pets, I mean. Its the one that talks.

View Quote Female Police Officer: Washburn? What a loser!
View Quote Belle: Hey, why are we not doing this at the station?
Andy: Sometimes a good cop's got to bend the rules so that laws don't get broken. You know what I'm sayin'? I'm not afraid to live outside the law.
Belle: (scoffs) You're living outside of your mind. That's where you live.

View Quote Jesse: (sniffs Belle's clothes) Wait a minute. Who you wearin' perfume for?
Belle: What? Oh, no, no, no, no. No, I cut through Macy's. I got tagged.
Jesse: Uh-huh.
Belle: Why, you like it? Is it me?
Jesse: Look, lemme tell you something, baby. There's only one thing I like on you.
Belle: What's that?
Jesse: And that's me.
(they kiss)
View Quote (to Andy) This is your unmarked car? A Daewoo? Man, I know people. I can't be seen in this thing. Open the door. I don't wanna get Daewoo on my hands.
View Quote Belle's Boss: (to Belle) Anyway, we're all real proud of you for getting your taxi license. Knowing that you're behind the wheel of a taxi in our fair city...makes us want to move to Albany.
View Quote Andy: (holding badge) Hey! See this? This is a badge, okay? That means you're not allowed to SCREAM AT ME!
Belle: (grabs badge) Aah!

View Quote Belle: What kind of grown-ass man live ten feet away from his mom?
Andy: I wouldn't talk so much Isabelle Precious Williams
Belle:Who told you about my name?
Andy: It's in your record. Precious. (mocking) My Precious.
Belle: Go ahead. Say it again. Say it again, and see what happens. I dare you. (Andy doesn't say anything else. Belle turns over and falls asleep)
Andy: (quietly) Precious.
View Quote Belle: Come on. Everybody's got a few tickets.
Agent Mullins: Not 75. And not on a bycicle, Miss Williams.

View Quote Andy's Mom: (to Andy) Where's my Daewoo. Andy, did you do something to my car?
Andy: (sees Belle mocking him behind his mother) Don't!
Belle: (mouthing) You busted.
Andy's Mom: Andy. (grabs Andy's face and lifts it to hers) Look at me, my darling. You didn't drive it through another bodega, did you?
Belle: That was you?! It was you! You was on the cover of the Post. You killed that parrot.
Andy: (embarrased) Mom, what did I tell you about talkin' official police business, all right?!