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Luke Skywalker: Look, I'm sure it's delicious. I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now!
Yoda: [cheerfully] Patience! For the Jedi it is time to eat as well. Eat. [Laughs] eat. Hot. Good food, hmm? Good, hmm?
Luke Skywalker: How far away is Yoda? Will it take us long to get there?
Yoda: Not far. Yoda not far. Patience. Soon you will be with him. Root leaf, I cook. Why wish you become Jedi?
Luke Skywalker: Well, mostly because of my father, I guess.
Yoda: Oh, father! Powerful Jedi was he. Powerful Jedi.
Luke Skywalker: Oh, come on! How could you know my father? You don't even know who I am. Oh, I don't even know what I'm doing here! We're wasting our time!
Yoda: [sighs, looks upward] I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: [voice emanates from nowhere] He will learn patience.
Yoda: Much anger in him, like his father.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Was I any different when you taught me?
Yoda: He is not ready!
Luke Skywalker: Yoda? I am ready! I— Ben, I can be a Jedi! Ben tell him I'm rea— [bangs his head on the low ceiling] Ow!
Yoda: [to Luke] Ready are you? What know you of ready? For 800 years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained! A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one, a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away to the future, the horizon. Never his mind on where he was [pokes Luke]. Hmm? What he was doing. [paces around] Adventure. Heh! Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things. [turns to Luke and points with his walking stick] You are reckless!
Obi-Wan Kenobi: So was I, if you remember.
Yoda: [still looking at Luke] He is too old. Yes. Too old to begin the training.
Luke Skywalker: But I've learned so much.
Yoda: [looking toward the sky] Will he finish what he begins?
Luke Skywalker: I won't fail you! I'm not afraid.
Yoda: [grimly] Oh! You will be. You will be.

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