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[Holmes interviews Simza]
Madame Simza Heron: If you have a specific question, hold it in your mind.
Sherlock Holmes: Hmm. [Simza picks up her cards] Um... [points to his head to indicate that he is holding a question down in his mind] Hold it.
Madame Simza Heron: Let me know when you're ready.
Sherlock Holmes: Actually, I'd prefer to read your fortune. [takes Simza's cards and flips through them] Temperance. [sets a card down on the table] Inverted. Indicative of volatility. A woman who has recently taken comfort in drink. From what does she seek solace? What does she not wish to see?
Madame Simza Heron: A fool embarassing himself?
Sherlock Holmes: [smirks] Ah, yes. The fool. [puts down another card that says "Le Fou"] Someone has been led astray, involved in something without their knowledge.
Madame Simza Heron: Not bad, but, um, you have to make me believe you. I have to see it in your eyes.
Sherlock Holmes: Right, I can do better. [sets another card down] The two of cups: a powerful bond. But between whom? A brother and sister, perhaps? [Simza looks at Holmes, realizing what his words mean] And I see a name. Yes, it's.... "Rene".
Madame Simza Heron: What do you want?
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil. [Places a Devil card on top of the other cards]
Madame Simza Heron: Why are we playing this game? [Holmes pulls out of his jacket the letter he snatched from Irene at the auction house; Simza examines it] Where did you get this?
Sherlock Holmes: I stole it from a woman at an auction room, but I believe it was intended for you. [Simza unfolds the paper inside the envelope, revealing a sketch of Rene's face; Simza reads the letter on the other side]
Madame Simza Heron: [subtitled French] "Sim, my love. Remember my face, as you will never see it again. That is the price I must pay to change the course of history. I have finally found my purpose in life-"
Sherlock Holmes: Found my purpose in life. So, the question I've been holding is, "What purpose is Rene fulfilling?" [Simza looks up from the letter]
Madame Simza Heron: Time is up. I have other clients. [Holmes gets up and starts to leave, but suddenly goes over to Simza and whispers in her ear]
Sherlock Holmes: Though you may not have detected the whisp of astrachan fur snagged on a nail over my left shoulder. You couldn't have failed to notice the overpowering aroma of herring pickled in vodka, in tandem with a truly unfortunate body odor. There's a man concealed in the rafters above us: a Cossack - renowned for their infeasible acrobatic abilities, and are notorious for moonlighting as assassins. So it's safe to presume that your next client is here to kill you. [smiles] Anything else? [Simza does not answer] No? [Holmes starts to leave, but suddenly turns around and pulls out an umbrella]
Sherlock Holmes: [voice-over; in slow-motion] First, pillage the nest. [He hooks the umbrella handle around the Cossack's knee and pulls on it, causing him to fall out of his hiding place] Clip wings. [Holmes strikes the assassin a blow with the umbrella that knocks a throwing knife out of his hand and twists it] Now, blunt his beak. [delivers hammer blows to each side of the face, then ducks to avoid a return blow] Crack eggs. [delivers a kick to the groin; the assassin pulls out a knife] Scramble. [Holmes knocks the knife aside] Pinch of salt. [jabs the umbrella into the chest, then deflects another oncoming knife] Touch of pepper. [jabs the assassin with the tip of the umbrella] Flip the omelet. [performs a judo throw that causes the assassin to flip over and land on his back] Additional seasoning required. [The assassin tries to stand up but gets a good blow to the face] Breakfast is served. [Back in real time, Holmes starts to do the above, but just as he gets to "clip wings", Simza throws knives that lodge themselves in the Cossack's chest; he falls through the curtain]
Sherlock Holmes: Come with me. I need you alive. Now! [They leave the room just as the Cossack's eyes open, revealing that he is wearing protective lining]

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