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Rosemary Woodhouse quotes

View Quote Awful things happen in every apartment house.
View Quote This is no dream, this is really happening!
View Quote I like the idea of having everything fresh and natural. I'll bet expectant mothers chew bits of tannis-root when nobody'd even heard of vitamin pills.
View Quote [describing how her pregnancy feels] It's like a wire inside me getting tighter and tighter.
View Quote I'm having a party for our old... I mean our young friends - Minnie and Roman are not invited. Neither is Laura-Louise nor is Dr. Sapirstein. It's gonna be a very special party. You have to be under 60 to get in.
View Quote Dr. Sapirstein is either lying or he's, I don't know, out of his mind. Pain like this is a warning something's wrong...And I'm not drinking Minnie's drink anymore. I want vitamins in pills like everyone else. I haven't drunk it for the last three days. I've thrown it away... I've made my own drink... I'm tired of hearing how great Dr. Sapirstein is.
View Quote Pain, begone, I will have no more of thee!
View Quote Witches... All of them witches!
View Quote [to Guy] Do you know who Roman really is?... He's Adrian Marcato's son...Roman Castevet is Steven Marcato rearranged... (pointing to the book's picture) There he is when he was thirteen. See the eyes?... In the same house, and look, look here. (reading) Soon after that, in August 1886, his son Steven was born. 1886 - got it? That makes him seventy-nine now. No coincidence... His father was a martyr to it. The parties with the singing and the flute, and the chanting. Those are S'baths or sabbaths, whatever they're called... They use blood in their rituals and the blood that has the most power is baby's blood. And they don't just use the blood, they use the flesh too... They're not setting foot in this apartment ever again and they're not coming within fifty feet of the baby... We're gonna sub-let and move out.
View Quote [to Dr. Hill] You can hear them singing through the wall... Guy said it was Dr. Shand, one of these people playing a recorder. Now, how did he know it was Dr. Shand unless he was there with them. They're very clever people. They planned everything right from the beginning. They probably made some sort of deal with Guy. They gave him success and he promised them our baby to use in their rituals. I know this sounds crazy, but I've got books here. Look. There was another actor like him, Donald Baumgart and they put a spell on him. They cast a spell on him and made him blind so that Guy could get his part. Look, here. (She shows Dr. Hill the Witchcraft book excerpt) I had this friend, Edward Hutchins. Maybe you heard of him, a writer. He wrote stories for boys. Anyway, he was my good friend since I first came to New York... Anyway, once Mr. Hutchins came to visit me...It was the time I was having this pain, Doctor. I was suffering severe - you can't imagine how much I was suffering. And they wouldn't help me, nobody would. They were giving me a drink with tannis-root in it, also witches' stuff, tannis-root. Hutch came and he immediately saw something was wrong. He knew about witches, you see. Suddenly, Guy rushed home with his make-up still on, which he never did. They probably called him to come home and steal one of Hutch's belongings - which he did. Took his glove. And they put a spell on him too. Put him in a coma. Three months later, he died. Now, maybe all of this is coincidence, but one thing is for sure, they have a coven and they want my baby.
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