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Road to Perdition

Road to Perdition quotes

38 total quotes

Harlen Maguire
John Rooney
Michael Sullivan
Michael Sullivan, Jr.

View Quote Mr. McDougal: You really trust me not to say anything?
Michael Sullivan: Always trust a bank manager.
View Quote Michael Sullivan: [teaching his son to drive] Look out for the tractor, Mike. Michael... look out for the tractor. You're coming up now. Watch out for the tractor. Watch out for the tractor! Watch out for the tractor!
[Sullivan, Jr. swerves to avoid the tractor in the nick of time]
Michael Sullivan, Jr.: We made it!
Michael Sullivan: [sarcastically] Oh, yeah, yeah. We made it.
View Quote [Sullivan has a gun to Kelly's head]
Jack Kelly: Think, Mike. Don't be stupid. I'm just the messenger.
Michael Sullivan: [lowers his gun] Then give Mr. Rooney a message for me.
Jack Kelly: What is it?
[Sullivan shoots him]
View Quote [a knock at the door]
Alexander Rance: It's open. Top marks for speed, no marks for cookery.
[holding plate with egg]
Alexander Rance: What, may I ask, do you call this?
Michael Sullivan: Put it down.
Alexander Rance: Mr. Sullivan!
Michael Sullivan: Mr. Rance.
Alexander Rance: How did you find me?
Michael Sullivan: This is the best hotel in the area and you are so very... particular.
Alexander Rance: Yes, indeed, Mr. Sullivan.
View Quote Alexander Rance: What do you think you're going to accomplish by interfering with our business, Mr. Sullivan?
Michael Sullivan: This has nothing to do with your business.
Alexander Rance: It's all business. That's what you fail to grasp. And in business, you must have something to trade. And you, Mr. Sullivan, have nothing to trade. Especially not for anyone as valuable as Connor Rooney.
View Quote Michael Sullivan: He murdered Annie and Peter!
John Rooney: There are only murderers in this room! Michael! Open your eyes! This is the life we chose, the life we lead. And there is only one guarantee: none of us will see heaven.
Michael Sullivan: Michael could.
John Rooney: Then do everything that you can to see that that happens.
View Quote Michael Sullivan, Jr.: Did you like Peter more than me?
Michael Sullivan: No. I loved you both the same.
Michael Sullivan, Jr.: You were always... different with me.
Michael Sullivan: Was I?
[Sullivan thinks for a while]
Michael Sullivan: Well, I suppose it was because Peter was just... such a sweet little boy, you know? And you... you were more like me. And I... didn't want you to be.
View Quote Michael Sullivan, Jr.: What are you going to do?
Michael Sullivan: [assembling a gun] Just one last thing, and then it's done.