[telling his life-story; is constantly interrupted by his cloning machine pressing him down] Many zentons ago, when I was but a squidling, I found out that my parents were... No child should ever have to endure that! So I went on the road, with a giant... and soon thereafter was married! Things were going well until she wanted... and I was all "No way!", and she was all "Yes way!", and I was like... but I've told you too much already!
[telling his life-story; is constantly interrupted by his cloning machine pressing him down] Many zentons ago, when I was but a squidling, I found out that my parents were... No child should ever have to endure that! So I went on the road, with a giant... and soon thereafter was married! Things were going well until she wanted... and I was all "No way!", and she was all "Yes way!", and I was like... but I've told you too much already!