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Looney Tunes: Back in Action

Looney Tunes: Back in Action quotes

24 total quotes

View Quote [Inside the Area 52 lab, chief spy-scientist Mother talks to the DJ et al.]
Mother: This isn't about the giant ants, is it?
Kate: Giant... ants?
Mother: 'Cause they're not really ants... anymore.
[Mother drinks from a flask of blue liquid.]
D.J.: Tell me about the Blue Monkey.
[She spews her beverage on D.J.]
Mother: How do you know about that thing that I've never heard of in my entire life?
D.J.: My dad told me.
Mother: What is the point of making them pinky-swear?!
View Quote [At the Louvre, as Daffy grabs the playing-card lens, Elmer Fudd jams his shotgun into the back of Daffy's head.]
Elmer: I'll take that!
Bugs: Em, what gives, Doc? We made thoity-five pictures together.
Elmer: Well, as it tuwns out, I'm secwetwy evil.
Daffy: [snorts] That's showbiz for ya!
Elmer: Now, make with the card, so I can pwease my dark masters!
View Quote [Bugs and Daffy enter the Persistence of Memory painting to evade Elmer Fudd. Elmer follows, enters, and takes aim, until his gun melts, remaining true to the theme of the painting. Bugs and Daffy laugh at him and run off, but they too start melting; their voices are slow and toned to a low key]
Daffy: Well, this is surreal.
Elmer: [Producing icons that represent each word he says] Stop, or I'll fire! [Attempts to take aim again]
Bugs and Daffy: Yipe!
[Elmer fires, but the bullets are only propelled a few inches away. Elmer starts to melt completely out of shape. Bugs and Daffy make their way to the next painting through the wallpaper]
View Quote [After Elmer Fudd leaps out of La Grande Jatte (by pointillist Georges Seurat), Bugs reads to him from a museum guide.]
Bugs: Pointillism. A technique using individual dots of pigment, which, taken together... [whips out a pocket electric fan] ...make an image. [turns on the fan.]
Elmer: Aw, crud! [Elmer's dots start to disperse, until only his shoes are left.]
Bugs (to audience): I think, when you go to the movies, you should learn somethin'.
[Daffy is busy redrawing himself.]
View Quote [As Granny's elephant progresses through the jungle, a flock of multicolored Tweety birds fly around]
Tweety: I've discovered my woots!
Sylvester: I've discovered my lunch!
[The birds attack Sylvester. Cut to Tweety, in African garb]
Tweety: Cry freedom!
View Quote [From behind, we see the elephant come upon a picturesque lost city in the jungle.]
Daffy: What a fantastic view!
Bugs: Unless you're in the audience, in which case you've been staring at an elephant's behind for thoity seconds.
View Quote [Outside the ACME satellite, Marvin the Martian (who Bugs and Daffy previously almost got rid of) holds an ACME Bubble Gun on Bugs.]
Marvin: You tricked me!
Bugs: Eh, what's up, Darth?
View Quote ACME Chairman: [to a miserable Wile E. Coyote] My God, young man, what am I going to do with you?! You've done nothing but screw up! You've walked off of mesas! You've been smashed by boulders! You've been run over by diesel trucks! And don't blame the equipment! The equipment is good; it's ACME equipment. You're a coyote! Be wily! [calms down] All right, now...buck up and let's see a little smile.
[Wile E. smiles, briefly and unenthusiastically]
ACME Chairman: Little bigger.
[Wile E. gives a bigger one, this time holding it]
ACME Chairman: Little bigger.
[Wile E.'s smile spreads to a disproportionate size]
ACME Chairman: Oh, that's nice. Now, just go take a shower, and don't come back till you smell better!
[Wile E., now cheered up, heads upstairs]
ACME Chairman: [calling to him] But be careful! There's some men moving a safe up there, and I don't want you to--
[A cartoonish jet-engine, followed by a "crash" sound, is heard]
ACME Chairman: [pause] And be careful of the box of fireworks, because--
[Released fireworks are heard]
ACME Chairman: [pause] I suppose I should mention the plate-glass window--
[Shattering glass is heard]
ACME Chairman: [pause] It's tough being the boss.
View Quote [while Bugs fights Marvin outside a spaceship, Daffy cowers inside, sucking his thumb]
Daffy: What am I gonna do? What would Damian Drake do? What would Duck Dodgers do? [pause] Wait a minute, I am Duck Dodgers!
[he spins and changes into his Duck Dodgers outfit.]
Daffy: A-ha! I'm going to be the hero of this picture! [straps on a rocket] Duck Dodgers to the rescue!
[the rocket explodes; Daffy straps on a second rocket]
Daffy: [dazed] Duck Dodgers to the rescue!
[another explosion; Daffy straps on a third]
Daffy: [dazed] Duck Dodgers--
[yet another explosion; Daffy angrily glares at a fourth rocket]
Daffy: Duck!
[yet another explosion; cut to Daffy, now outside with working rocket strapped on]
Daffy: It's You-Know-Who to the rescue! [to the camera] It helps if ya don't say the name.