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Bryce quotes

View Quote Lara, it's a clock, it ticks, it tells the time. [looks at his watch] It's wrong.
View Quote This isn't a country, it's an ice cube!
View Quote I'm a free spirt, me.
View Quote Bryce: Oh, bugger! Not live rounds again, Lara! This is a major remodel you know. Its a disaster!
Lara Croft: Was it programmed to stop before it took my head off?
Bryce: Ah well... that would be a... no.
Lara Croft: [quirks eyebrow] Hm.
Bryce: But you said make it more challenging.
Lara Croft: Hence, the live fire.
View Quote Lara Croft: It's a clock... It's ticking
Bryce: Oh... one of those ticking clocks, eh?
View Quote Bryce: So, time to save the universe again then, is it?
Lara Croft: Absolutely.
View Quote Bryce: Me bum's gone to sleep again, all down the left cheek.
Lara Croft: Really? That's fascinating.
View Quote Lara Croft: We have 83 rooms. Why can't you live in the house?
Bryce: Well, I'm a free spirit, me.
View Quote Bryce: What's that smell?
Lara Croft: Five AM.
View Quote Bryce: My ignorance amuses me... My ignorance amuses me?
Lara Croft: Yes, well, I've always found your ignorance quite amusing. Mr. Powell however, is not ignorant.
Bryce: No?
Lara Croft: No. He's a lair.
View Quote Lara Croft: But you might try to kill me.
Manfred Powell: I'm not going to kill you.
Lara Croft: I said you'd try.
View Quote Manfred Powell: Lady Croft, tell me, is there a good reason why I just kept you alive?
Lara Croft: Yes. That is not the true eye.
Manfred Powell: This is the true eye.
Lara Croft: It's not, actually. It's a mirror image.
Manfred Powell: Ms. Croft, I think you're trying to cheat me out of my little ray of sunshine.
Lara Croft: Why would I try and cheat you out of anything, now, I need you to get the piece so I can steal it from you later.
Manfred Powell: You're bluffing! Julius, make a mental note, kill Ms. Croft if she attempts any such thing.
Julius: Yes, sir.
Lara Croft: Well we can do it my way, or we can all come back in time for the next allignment and you're welcome to try and kill me then, in oh, say, another 5,000 years.
View Quote [Hilary meets Lara outside the shower with something other than a t-shirt]
Lara Croft: Oh... very funny.
Hilary: I'm only trying to turn you into a lady.
Lara Croft: Mm... [walks past him and drops the towel she was wearing]
Hilary: [sighs] And a lady should be modest.
Lara Croft: Yes, a lady should be modest.
View Quote Alex West: Lara Croft, I don't believe it. Still pretending to be a photojournalist? Ya know, I think it's really cool that you can still keep a day job, though it's obviously just for show.
Lara Croft: So, Alex, still pretending to be an archaeologist?
Alex West: Lara, do we always have to fight like this? Maybe we don't.
Lara Croft: Hmm, maybe we do.
Alex West: Why?
Lara Croft: You stole my prayer wheels!
Alex West: Stole? Stole? Coming from you? It's not like you ever really owned them or anything. Hey, you're the tomb raider...
Lara Croft: Oh look, I think your clients need you. As you once said, so memorably, "It's all just a business". So go, go do business.
View Quote Lara Croft: Hello Alex.
Alex West: [Sighs] I suppose you think I'm a greedy, unscrupulous sell-out who'll do just about anything for money?
Lara Croft: Yes. That's right.
Alex West: [Shrugs] Well, the money bit's true I guess.
Lara Croft: Is it, Alex? If you cross me, we may not be able to remain friends. [Looks him up and down] Always a pleasure.
Alex West: Now for a cold shower...
View Quote Illuminati Headmaster: If we don't get that piece then we'll have to wait five thousand years for another alignment.
Manfred Powell: I don't know about you but I'm not planning to give that much time to this enterprise.
View Quote Manfred Powell: Into the belly of the beast.
Alex West: And out of the demon's ass.
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