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Jaws quotes

65 total quotes

Chief Martin Brody
Matt Hooper
Mayor Larry Vaughn
Multiple Characters

View Quote Hooper: [during their autopsy of the shark] Ah. Just like I thought... He came up with the Gulf Stream - from southern waters.
[He pulls a Louisiana license plate from the shark. Brody examines it]
Brody: He didn't eat a car, did he?
Hooper: No. Tiger shark's like a swimming garbage can - it'll eat anything. Someone probably threw that in a river. [moves back from the shark] That's it.
View Quote Break it up, will ya, Chief. Daylight's wasting...Come on, Chief. This isn't no Boy Scout picnic. See you got your rubbers! Ha, ha, ha.
View Quote Ellen: You see the kids?
Brody: [looking out the window] They must be in the back yard.
Ellen: In Amity, you say 'Yaad.' [she gives it the Boston sound]
Brody: They're in the yaad, not to faa from the caa. How's that sound?
Ellen: Like you're from N'Yawk. [gives it a Brooklyn sound]
View Quote I entered an arm wrestling tournament.... now, you see this arm, Mr. Hooper? I can't extend it anymore, because I made it to the semifinals and this big C******n took me riiiiiiiiiiight over....."
View Quote Ellen: I just want to know one simple thing. When do I get to become an islander?
Friend: Ellen, never. Never. You're not born here, you're not an islander. That's it.
View Quote Front - bow, back - stern. Don`t get it get it right squirt 'n' I'll throw your ass out the little round window on the side. Come on Chief, this ain't no Boy Scout picnic... I see you got your rubbers !
View Quote I'm tellin' ya, the crime rate in New York will kill ya. There's so many problems, you never feel like you're accomplishing anything. Violence, rip-offs, muggings. The kids can't leave the house. You gotta walk 'em to school. But in Amity, one man can make a difference. In twenty-five years, there's never been a shooting or a murder in this town.
View Quote [Examining the body of the first victim] The torso has been severed in mid-thorax. There are no major organs remaining...The right arm has been severed above the elbow with massive tissue loss in the upper musculature...Partially denuded bone remaining. This was no boat accident. [To Brody] Did you notify the Coast Guard about this?...The left arm, head to shoulders, sternum and portions of the rib cage are intact...[He holds up the bluish, severed left arm/hand, with rings still on fingers, of the shark attack victim.] This is what happens. It indicates the non-frenzied feeding of a large squalis... Now, the enormous amount of tissue loss prevents any detailed analysis. However, the attacking squalis must be considerably larger than any normal squalis found in these waters....Well, this is not a boat accident, and it wasn't any propeller, it wasn't any coral reef, and it wasn't Jack the Ripper. It was a shark.
View Quote [to his son] Come here. Give us a kiss...'Cause I need it.
View Quote Hooper: [as Brody sends the air tanks flying] Dammit, Martin! This is compressed air!
Brody: Well, what the hell kind of a knot was that?
Hooper: You pulled the wrong one. You screw around with these tanks, and they're gonna blow up!
Quint: Yeah, that's real fine expensive gear you brought out here, Mr. Hooper. 'Course I don't know what that bastard shark's gonna do with it, might eat it I suppose. Seen one eat a rockin' chair one time. Hey chieffy, next time you just ask me which line to pull, right?
View Quote You got city hands, Hooper... 'been countin' money all your life.
View Quote Brody: What are you doing? These are your people out there.
Hendricks: Those aren't my people. Did you see all the license plates out in the parking lot? Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey... I'm all by myself out there.
View Quote [singing] Show me the way to go home... I'm tired and I want to go to bed... I had a little drink about an hour ago, and it went right to my head.
View Quote Quint: I'll drink to your leg.
Hooper: I'll drink to your leg.
Quint: Okay, so we drink to our legs! [laughs]
View Quote What are you, some kind of half-assed astronaut?