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Mrs. Robinson: Would you mind walking ahead of me to the sun porch. I feel funny about coming into a dark house.
Benjamin: But it's light in there.
Mrs. Robinson: Please...What do you drink? Bourbon?
Benjamin: Look, uh, Mrs. Robinson, I drove you home. I was glad to do it. But I have some things on my mind. Can you understand that?
Mrs. Robinson: Yes.
Benjamin: All right.
Mrs. Robinson: What do you drink? Benjamin. I'm sorry to be this way, but I don't want to be left alone in this house.
Benjamin: Why not?
Mrs. Robinson: Please wait till my husband gets home.
Benjamin: When is he coming back?
Mrs. Robinson: I don't know. Drink?
Benjamin: No. Are you always this much afraid of being alone?
Mrs. Robinson: Yes.
Benjamin: Well, why can't you just lock the doors and go to bed?
Mrs. Robinson: I'm very neurotic. May I ask you a question? What do you think of me?
Benjamin: What do you mean?
Mrs. Robinson: You've known me nearly all your life. You must have formed some opinion of me.
Benjamin: Well, I always thought that you were a very...nice...person.
Mrs. Robinson: Did you know I was an alcoholic?
Benjamin: What?
Mrs. Robinson: Did you know that?
Benjamin: Look, I think I should be going.
Mrs. Robinson: Sit down, Benjamin.
Benjamin: Mrs. Robinson, if you don't mind my saying so, this conversation is getting a little strange. Now, I'm sure that Mr. Robinson will be here any minute now and -
Mrs. Robinson: No.
Benjamin: What?
Mrs. Robinson: My husband will be back quite late. He should be gone for several hours.
Benjamin: Oh my God.
Mrs. Robinson: Pardon?
Ben: Oh no, Mrs. Robinson, oh no.
Mrs. Robinson: What's wrong?
Benjamin: Mrs. Robinson, you didn't - I mean, you didn't expect -
Mrs. Robinson: What?
Benjamin: I mean, you didn't really think that I would do something like that.
Mrs. Robinson: Like what?
Benjamin: What do you think?
Mrs. Robinson: Well, I don't know.
Benjamin: For God's sake, Mrs. Robinson, here we are, you've got me into your house. You give me a drink. You put on music, now you start opening up your personal life to me and tell me your husband won't be home for hours.
Mrs. Robinson: So?
Benjamin: Mrs. Robinson - you are trying to seduce me .... Aren't you?
Mrs. Robinson: Well, no. I hadn't thought of it. I feel very flattered.
Benjamin: Mrs. Robinson. Will you forgive me for what I just said?
Note: the bolded line is ranked #63 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.

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