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The Exorcist

The Exorcist quotes

41 total quotes

Chris MacNeil
Father Merrin
Father Damien Karras
Multiple Characters
Regan MacNeil

View Quote Chris: Well give me an example, like what specifically did she say?
Dr. Klein: Specifically Mrs. MacNeil she advised me to keep my fingers away from her goddamned ****.
View Quote Chris: What made you say that, Regan? Do you know, sweetheart?
Regan: Mother? What's wrong with me?
Chris: It's just like the doctor said. It's nerves, and that's all. OK? You just take your pills and you'll be fine, really. OK?
View Quote Lt. Kinderman: If certain British doctors never asked "What is this fungus?" we wouldn't today have penicillin, correct?
View Quote [to an astronaut guest at Chris' party] You're gonna die up there. [urinates on the carpet]
View Quote Chris: Would you like some bourbon in that, father?
Merrin: Well, my doctor says I shouldn't but thank God my will is weak.
View Quote [possessed voice] **** me! **** me!
View Quote Take me. Come into me. God-damn you. Take me. Take me.
View Quote Chuck: I suppose you heard.
Chris: Heard what?
Chuck: You haven't heard. Burke's dead. He must have been drunk. He fell down from the top of the steps right outside. By the time he hit M Street, he broke his neck.
View Quote Kinderman: Well, this desecration in the church. Do you think this has anything to do with witchcraft?
Karras: Maybe. Some rituals use the Black Mass. Maybe.
Kinderman: And now, Dennings, you read how he died?
Karras: In a fall.
Kinderman: Let me tell ya how, and please Father, confidential. Burke Dennings, good Father, was found at the bottom of those steps leading to M Street with his head turned completely around - facing backwards.
Karras: It didn't happen in the fall?
Kinderman: It's possible. Possible, however -
Karras: ...unlikely.
Kinderman: Exactly. So on the one hand, we've got a witchcraft kind of murder, and on the other hand a Black Mass type desecration in the church.
Karras: You think the killer and the desecrator are the same?
Kinderman: Maybe somebody crazy. Somebody with a spite against the church. Some unconscious rebellion.
Karras: A sick priest - is that it?
Kinderman: Look, Father, this is hard for you. Please, I understand, but for priests on the campus here, you're the psychiatrist. You know who was sick at the time, who wasn't. I mean, this kind of sickness. You'd know that.
Karras: I don't know anyone who fits that description.
Kinderman: Ah! Doctor's ethics! If you knew, you wouldn't tell, huh?
Karras: No, I probably wouldn't.
Kinderman: Not to bother you with trivia, but a psychiatrist, in sunny California no less, was put in jail for not telling the police what he knew about a patient.
Karras: Is that a threat?
Kinderman: No, I mention it only in passing.
Karras: Incidentally, I mention it only in passing. I could always tell the judge it was a matter of confession.
View Quote There's not a day in my life that I don't feel like a fraud. Other priests, doctors, lawyers - I talk to them all. I don't know anyone who hasn't felt that.
View Quote My bed was shaking. I can't get to sleep.
View Quote [trying to reach her ex-husband] Oh circuits, my ass. He doesn't give a shit...Operator, don't tell me there's no answer, it's the Hotel Excelsior in Rome... Would you try it again please and let it ring...Operator, I've given you the number four times...I've been on this ****ing line for twenty minutes!
View Quote [possessed voice] Keep away! The sow is mine!
View Quote Karras: I think it might be helpful if I gave you some background on the different personalities Regan has manifested. So far, I'd say there seem to be three. She's convinced...
Merrin: There is only one.
View Quote Oh please, Mother, make it stop! It's hurting.