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The Craft

The Craft quotes

26 total quotes

Main cast
Nancy Downs

View Quote Chris Hooker: Sarah, come on, I mean... you look like you need to talk to somebody anyway.
Sarah Bailey: How do you know what I look like? We're talking on the phone.
View Quote Chris Hooker: You're just jealous!
Nancy Downs: Jealous? Jealous! You don't even exist to me! You don't exist! You are nothing! You are shit! You don't exist. The only way you know how to treat women is by treating them like whores! Well, you're the whore! And this is gonna stop! Do you understand? Hmm?
Chris Hooker: [frightened] I'm sorry.
Nancy Downs: Oh, he's sorry! He's sorry, he's sorry, he's sorry, he's sorry, he's sorry! [shouts] Sorry, me ass! [kills him]
View Quote Chris Hooker: Why didn't you answer the phone?
Sarah Bailey: It's three in the morning, Chris.
Chris Hooker: Oh. Yeah, I guess that's a good reason... hey, you know, I was thinking we should move in together.
Sarah Bailey: I don't think I'm ready for that level of commitment.
Chris Hooker: Oh. Sarah, I can't stop thinking about you. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I think I love you. I've never loved anyone before... well, except for my mom and this little puppy I had when I was little...
View Quote Sarah Bailey: You're in big trouble with Manon. He says you've abused the gifts he's given you and now you have to pay.
Nancy Downs: [her fingers turn top snakes] What's going on?
Sarah Bailey: Where did Bonnie and Rochelle go? They just ran out of here without even saying good-bye. That's bad manners.
View Quote Lirio: You know how to use the candles?
Sarah Bailey: Yeah, you light the wick.
View Quote Chris Hooker: [handing Sarah a flower] I wanna apologize for those guys in French. They're assholes.
Sarah Bailey: [droping the flower] Yeah well, you know what they say. Who are you hang with.
Chris Hooker: Yeah right... wait, did you call me an asshole?
Sarah Bailey: [chuckles] Sorry, my defenses are up. People here have been really rude to me.
View Quote Nancy Downs: He comes on anything with tits, Sarah.
Bonnie: Except me.
Sarah Bailey: I'm not watching him.
Nancy Downs: He spreads disease. [uncomforably] I speak from personal experience. [after yelling at Chris] He's a jerk.
View Quote Nancy Downs: [noticing Sarah's cuts] What's up with this?
Sarah Bailey: [embarrassed] I slit my wrists.
Bonnie: What you'd do with it?
Sarah Bailey: A-a kitchen knife.
Bonnie: [surprised] You even did it the right way.
Sarah Bailey: [not sure of what to say] Yeah...
Nancy Downs: [reassuring her] Punk rock! Let's go.
Rochelle: The right way? How do you know the right way?
Bonnie: [defensive] Shut up, Rochelle.
Rochelle: Well how you do know?
View Quote Nancy Downs: So, hot stuff, how did it go?
Sarah Bailey: How did what go?
Nancy Downs: Your date with Chris.
Rochelle: Chris already told everybody.
Sarah Bailey: [confused] Told everybody what?
Bonnie: That you guys did it.
Sarah Bailey: But we didn't... do it.
Nancy Downs: Well then he was just trying to save-face then, because he's going around the whole school saying that you were the lousiest lay he's ever had, and coming from him, that's pretty bad.
Sarah Bailey: [looking over to the other girls in the classroom who were giggling] No, he didn't [hoping it wasn't true]
Nancy Downs: He did.
Rochelle: He said the same stuff about Nancy.
Nancy Downs: Told you he was a jerk.
View Quote Bonnie: The almanac says today will bring an arrival or something.
Nancy Downs: Yeah, wonderful. I'm getting a rag.
Bonnie: A new wholeness and with it a new balance, earth, air, fire, water... maybe it's our fourth.
Nancy Downs: We don't need a fourth.
View Quote Actor Role Robin Tunney Sarah Bailey Fairuza Balk Nancy Downs Neve Campbell Bonnie Rachel True Rochelle Skeet Ulrich Chris Hooker Christine Taylor Laura Lizzie Assumpta Serno Lirio