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Big Fish

Big Fish quotes

48 total quotes

Edward Bloom
Will Bloom

View Quote Y'see, most men, they'll tell a story straight through— it won't be complicated, but it won't be interesting either.
View Quote Everyone loves my father. He's a very likeable guy.
View Quote It's not a woman, it's a fish. No one ever catches her. Fish looks diff'rent to diff'rent people. My daddy said it looked like the coon dog he had when he was kid...back from the dead.
View Quote Fate has a way of circling back on a man, and taking him by surprise. A man sees things differently at different times in his life. This town didn't seem the same now that he was older.
View Quote Edward: Having a kid changes everything. I mean, there's the diapers and the burping and the midnight feedings...
Will: Did you do any of that?
Edward: No, but I hear it's terrible. Then you spend years trying to corrupt and mislead this child, fill its head with nonsense and still it turns out perfectly fine.
View Quote Norther Winslow: I've been working on this poem for 12 years.
Edward: Really.
Norther Winslow: There's a lot of expectation. I don't want to disappoint my fans...The grass so green, Skies so blue, Spectre is really great!
Edward: It's only three lines long.
Norther Winslow: This is why you should never show a work in progress.
View Quote Beamen: You won't find a better place!
Edward: I don't expect to.
Jenny: Promise me you'll come back.
Edward: I promise. Someday. When I'm really supposed to.
View Quote Man in crowd: Mayor, he ate an entire cornfield!
Young girl in crowd: He ate my dog!
View Quote Mayor: Son that creature could crush you without trying.
Edward: Oh trust me— he'll have to try.
View Quote Edward: Will never told you?... Ah, Probably just as well. He would have told it wrong anyway. All the facts and none of the flavor.
Josephine: Oh... so this is a tall tale?
Edward: Well, it's not a short one.
View Quote Karl: I don't want to eat anybody. I just get so hungry. I'm just too big.
Edward: Did you ever think maybe you're not too big— but, maybe this town's just too small?
View Quote Amos: Tell me, Karl, have you ever heard the term “involuntary servitude?”
Karl: No.
Amos: Unconscionable contract?
Karl: Uh... Nope.
Amos: Great! Here you go.
View Quote Edward: I just saw the woman I'm going to marry, I know it. But I lost her.
Amos: Oh, Tough break. Well, most men have to get married before they lose their wives.
Edward: I'm going to spend the rest of my life looking for her. That or die alone.
Amos: Damn, Kid!
View Quote Josephine: You never told me how your parents met.
Will: They met at Auburn.
Josephine: What about the details? How they fell in love. The Circus. The War. You never told me any of that.
Will: That's because most of it never happened.
Josephine: But it's romantic.
View Quote Will: You have to understand. When I was growing up, he was gone more than he was here. And I started thinking— maybe he has a second life somewhere else. With another family, another house— he leaves us, he goes to them. Or maybe there is no second family. Maybe he never wanted a family. But whatever it is, maybe he likes that second life better. And the reason he tells all those stories is because he can't stand this boring place.
Josephine: But it's not true.
Will: What is "true"? He's never told me a single true thing.